Tag Archives: Playground program

It’s all about the memes. If you catch them, life may start working…

I have at least 2-3 conversations each day that are so profound I should make them public. Sometimes i do…

Here is one from today:
Him: Wow. I realized on yesterday’s call that there are memes and voices when I am on the call and they are disturbing me to get things more than I am doing. Or disturbing me to look, think and not going to the head. These voices are fear based. “What if I say something wrong, what if I can’t do what she says etc.” It went better yesterday because I was conscious of them and could decide to just let them be noises and have my attention on what you were saying instead.
Me: yes. it is the biggest reason people don’t do well. good catch. thank you for sharing.
I have one meme still very alive… “It is too hard!” lol
and another one, a little bit less “It is hopeless!”

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Panache Desai’s Soul Signature… Dissolving Density Programs and why they don’t work

Any program that talks to your mind, the automatic thinking mind, is doomed to fail. But first it will titillate, soothe, much like a lullaby of a mother.

Why cannot they change you, and actually move you up where your soul wants to go?

Because you are stuck on low levels, young levels, and to unstuck you from there requires work… work that may not be pleasant, but unless it’s done, you are stuck forever.

The teachers you follow, the teachers whose products you buy, have one thing in common: they can sell ice to an Eskimo.

And you, who buys their product: you have one thing in common: you hope that life is going to be easy, and that by some miraculous way you can wish yourself out of the deep hole you live in.

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How do you know what you are afraid of? Why you are afraid… even when you have no reason to be.

It was 1991. Georgia… some miles from Atlanta, in a hunting lodge. November. Communication Commando Course.

Just the name was enough to put the fear of god in me. But then they ushered me in this little room where I needed to answer some questions about myself, name, age, where I live, who I live with… in front of a camera.

Now, by that time I had been on television twice, seen and recognized by millions of people. And yet, I was terrified.

What was I afraid of?

This is what this article is about… what is it that you are afraid of, that you cannot tell what it is, but it is as real as that if they keep you underwater long enough, you’ll be dead. Dead dead….
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Attitude in relation to yourself: your self-esteem

Summary: Attitude: the most potent invisible builder or invisible destroyer of your life, of your dreams, of your results, of your relationships. It is invisible to you, but glaringly obvious to others. Isn’t it time you took an inventory and start changing your attitudes, one by one.As an Expanding Human Being, I study. A lot. I study books, movies, people, myself. Sometimes there is no rhyme and reason in my studying, and sometimes, like now, there is.
I have recently found a teacher who teaches people how to become an expert and market themselves as such, online.

Most people that learn from this guy are already experts at some things, but… It is one thing to be an expert, and another to be perceived as an expert. People go by their perception, not by the fact, in reality, people have no idea what they see, only what they perceive.

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Growing, transformation, hitting a wall, being or getting stuck

I am in a state that can be compared to the cocoon state. I intend to emerge on the other side as a butterfly.

Wasn’t I a butterfly before? Who knows. But humans don’t live a day or two, like butterflies, and they have more stages than butterflies.

When you grow (if you grow) spiritually your growth pattern is much like…

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A typical day of this empath

I often find out what I have and what it does, from students, or by accident. Also some of the things are theories until proven by enough empirical data…

How the harmonizer works, really

Some of you may remember that last year I had a section on the blog that said what was the negative emotion, negative energy transmission Dark Side was spewing across the globe.

I was surprised that this year there didn’t seem to be any, until this past Saturday: suddenly deep sadness, a sense of loss, irreversible loss was coming over me… it wasn’t mine. It wasn’t anybody’s, it was a D.S. transmission. It was irresistible, and I spent the day in a funk.

Today the emotion was extreme anguish, fear, trepidation, strong pressure from underarm to underarm: No matter what I do, I can’t stop what’s coming. Phew, real bad. Then I checked and the Harmonizer wasn’t turned on on my computer in the office. I turned it on, and within minutes the feeling became weaker and manageable.

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Mastery: how to go from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence?

The one rule of the Playground Program: All speaking needs to answer the questions: what happened, what is real?

One of the first things people learn in the Landmark Forum is the idea that most of what you think happened to you, around you, in your life, is a story.

It’s a simple distinction, yet it is profound, it is life altering… for a moment. In the moment of seeing that, it is profound. Then it disappears, it goes underground.  It is replaced completely by the story… Flash in the pan, kitchen fire, not forest fire… Inconsequential. In spite of the fact that when it is alive, when it is operational, it is life altering, transformational. Big.

When I talk to graduates of Landmark’s programs, they, maybe, can give lip-service to this distinction, “story”, they know about it, but if you listen to them, it is not a distinction that is alive and well, guiding them through the maze of mind-full (living from the mind) living, unconscious living, living without distinctions.

My experience has been that a little knowledge will definitely lower your vibration to lower than it was before that little knowledge. Tree of Knowledge… knowing about it, but no mastery.

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A coach’s job is to make you do things you don’t want to do

A discussion with hidden argumentative undertones is going on in the comments of some posts.

It’s about coaching.

Most people want gentle guidance. They want the results, but they want it all to be easy, nice, a walk in the park. They can’t find this anywhere, so they sign up to my coaching calls, but they don’t like what they are getting. They wanted gentle guidance, but they get coaching.

A coach’s job is to make you do what you don’t want to do so you can have what you won’t have if you do what you want to do.

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Conversations, intimacy, human connection: are you emotionally unavailable? Emotionally slutty?

“Yesterday I was clever and tried to change the world. Today I am wise and try to change myself.” ~ Rumi

I offer private healing sessions to supplement my income. It is mainly a massage, a conversation, and sharing some of my observations for change.

I only see older people, mainly men. I don’t like to work with women in this capacity. I don’t enjoy their energy.

In my screening email exchange I look for two things:

that their vibration is above a certain point, 170 seems to be the minimum, but sometimes I take an exception if a 150 feels right to me.

I spend minutes connected to them, living in their shoes in their vibration, and if I find it miserable, or victim-like, I won’t see them. I find a way to tell them I won’t see them. I lie.

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12 steps toward becoming truly who you are: the Playground program

The Playground program: the history
Back in 1988 when I first created the Playground: It is never too late to have a happy childhood, I’d just come out from participating in a 12-step program, similar to AA, but for people who suffered from the behavior of the alcoholic.

It turns out, that a troubled household with troubled parents creates the same symptoms as one with an alcoholic parent: a lack of safety. My parents weren’t alcoholic, but their behavior was erratic. One day I was beaten up for a behavior, the next it was ignored… Nerve wrecking. There was nothing I could count on to be quasi permanent and reliable. It’s a miracle that I didn’t withdraw into schizophrenia.
What’s good about 12-step programs?
Anyway, I liked the environment of a 12-step meeting: the meeting had principles, but it had no coaching, no rebuttal, no arguments, it was a very adult and equals program, as opposed to any other place in the world.

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