Tag Archives: powerful debriefing

Money, success, love, hunger, greed desire, want?

I am becoming clearer and clearer that one of the reasons you may not produce the results in your life, with my teachings, because you don’t understand the words, and you just nod, as if you did. At least that is my experience both on all my calls… so you are probably not an exception.

If looking up the word produces unsatisfying results, then please make sure you ask me in the comments section: I will make sure I explain all the words that don’t make sense. OK?

Here are a few that have come up lately as not understood:

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Guilt, Shame, and Failure and Becoming an Expanding Human Being

Contrary to what my headline might suggest, this is actually an upbeat message.

Guilt is about what you have done. You did something you feel you should not have done, but you did it anyway. Out of spite, out of impulsivity, out of ignorance. Now you are suffering. You feel bad about it.

Shame is about who you are. You are, in your world, less than you should be. That should may come from religion, comparison with others, comparison with the potential you once were…. Either way, you disappointed yourself, and now you are suffering.

Failure in business/life has no connection to either of these.

Failures, in business/life, are those little solar lights stuck in the ground, on the way to success.

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