Tag Archives: process

Seeing process: the ratcheting power of success

One of the concepts that none of my students have gotten before is process. Until now.
And maybe when she shares what she sees you’ll be able to see what you haven’t seen before. Whether you are a student of mine or just a reader.

This is from a student of mine. She has been in training for nine months. It’s taken that long to reach the state where she is ready for ‘step 1’ as she calls it.
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There seems to be a certain order in the Universe.

There is a certain order in the Universe.

I know it looks random and capricious, but it looks that way because of your lack of respect, lack of looking again.

Human nature is to think that what you do in one area, like fixing what you think is wrong, doesn’t effect the whole, and it will be OK.

But human interference in the order of things forces a kind of phenomenon that is a lot like wounds in war… Some are mortal.
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We met the enemy and it’s us… we get in our own way

The biggest problem we have in life is ourselves. You’d think it’s others, but it is really you.
We’ve met your enemy and it’s us. Get out of your own way! You are your worst enemy!

The sayings abound, because ultimately until you change, nothing will change. But how to change?
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How will increasing the accuracy of your vocabulary lead you to a fuller experience of life, joy, purpose?

Yesterday I had a conversation where I had a number of opportunities to see how and what way your unclarity, your vocabulary, shows up, not as a theory, but as a reality.

How it prevents you from seeing reality, or hearing what is being said.

It was somewhat new to me, so if it was new to me, it will be really new to you.

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Do you need passion to love your work? Purpose? the right work? What is the truth about that?

One of my ex-students sent me an email today. He is an ex-student, because I could not get him to achieve any results whatsoever.

But he has sent me valuable information before, so I read the email.

He sent me to a short video about Cal Newport’s book: Be so good they can’t ignore you.

I watched it. It was good. 30% truth value. Same as the book. 30% truth value is exceptional… but…

It is a topic that is in the forefront of most people’s mind: how to have the eight plus hours of work, the activity that provides you with enough money to live on, enjoyable. Not drudgery. Not feeling like a tool, feeling like a slave. Not something you have to do, but something you get to do. Not something that after that you can have your own life… something you are deprived of for eight whole hours.

Thousands of books are written to these people… and all of them are low truth value.

When something is only 30% truth value, you can be sure it won’t work unless you find the missing truth.
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The process of becoming a genius…

Notice that you want to do things out of order…

…for example: fix something that you don’t understand what it is, you just KNOW that it’s wrong. Put the cart in front of the horse. Never bother to find the cause… the real cause of anything… the laws of nature.

You may be doing all the steps that can produce the results you want, but what happens if and when you are doing them out of order? Or you don’t give enough time to each step to perform its magic, out of greed or hunger or impatience?

You’ll lose time… you’ll lose money… and you’ll lose your faith.
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Process-conscious vs result-conscious… fulfillment every day vs one day someday

I have a brain that is a pattern seeking machine.

A pattern is when something is repeating, form, essence, pitch, sequence, day of the week, month of the year, etc… something that connects seemingly unconnected things together.

Seeing patterns can save lives, and animals living in the wild still have the capacity, but humans living in a comfortable world, have lost it… to their detriment.

Often the activity is called: connecting the dots… Even if Steve Jobs says: it is only possible to connect the dots backwards. He talks about different dots… he talks about the cause and effect type of dots, not the patterns.
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