Tag Archives: Psychic Attack

What is the similarity between Mafia godfathers, drug cartel bosses, Kaddhafi, and some Indian gurus, some billionaire church founders, cult leaders?

The nature of evil, psychic attack, dark energies, greed, envy, anger, hate, the desire to kill

What is the similarity with Mafia godfathers, drug cartel bosses, Kaddhafi, (Gaddafi?) and some Indian gurus, some billionaire church founders, cult leaders?

Mafia lords or godfathers come from a background of people experiencing themselves powerless against them.

Very simple, indeed. They base their rule on extortion and protection rackets, or force, and enslavement of ‘lesser beings.’

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Living life as an experiment is an attitude. It is an approach to life… Unemotional

I haven’t been feeling well. I feel dumb, I don’t remember what I am talking about, I am foggy. I don’t remember names like normal, and in the evening I just want to sleep, instead of reading.

I could be worrying, and I am hovering on the border of worry and “this is what it is”…

I could ask “what’s wrong”, but that would lead to a fix-it mode… and I am not interested in that.

Instead I am saying: this has been an experiment, this is an experiment, albeit an unplanned one… Let’s see what we can see, what we can learn from this experiment?

Obviously this is not a question most people think to ask. In the age of reacting, in the age of thinking we know everything, we are asking stupider and stupider questions, and get ourselves into deep trouble.

So, if you can learn my methodology: that methodology, that attitude is the key that whatever and whoever has been trying to kill me, hasn’t been able to. Had it been you, I assert, you would be dead already. Or wish you were…

OK, so here is what I have done:
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Update on the psychic attacks on my person

I have been feeling a little better.

It seems that I am coming out of this nightmare of a period with more gains than one would expect at the end of something this horrible…

For example, after a year of not being able to eat vegetables (they made me sick) I have had three meals of freshly made vegetables this weekend, and I loved it. Theses attacks must have started long before I noticed them… but now that it’s all in the open, now that I can tell who are the people that are attacking, what exactly they are doing, and what is my exact recourse to protect myself, I have times in my day when I actually feel better than before. Not many and not long.

It seems that now we see why energies do not really heal: while the energies are sent, I feel like a dog… the moment the energies stop I feel perfectly well. So it seems that there are going to be no lasting consequences.

Sitting, working on the computer is still difficult, so I spend my time on my back, alternately fighting back, or reading Sherlock Holmes detective stories on my Kindle.

I am reading and re-reading the stories. I am starting the see the difference between the thrill of the first-second reading, much like a one night stand, the rush, and the deep love, deep appreciation of the subsequent readings: most people I know never go to that place with anything or anyone.

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