Tag Archives: rbti

Are you taking supplements? Do you eat well? Is it possible that you are doing the wrong things?

This is a really old article… lots have been changed in the past three years!

I have been cutting stuff out of my diet for three weeks now hoping that I can drop a few pounds. So far no good, and that has forced me to look deeper into getting the nutrients my body needs.

The experience of craving is probably familiar to you too. You crave, you feel hunger, but it is not really hunger… the body is talking to you through restlessness, through desire, through sleeplessness, through weight gain, though nausea, etc.

Deciphering what the body needs, what the body says is more difficult than deciphering encrypted messages: the variation of things that can be said, the variation of things the body can need is so vast, and it changes with every meal you give your body.

Every step you take either takes you closer or further away from success, health, happiness.

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If you are a healer, you want to read this…

I have students that are in the healing profession.

When they first start with me, they are confused, stunned, and ask me if they should quit doing what they are doing. Their whole attitude, in that moment, reveals to me what is not working about their healing.

Healing, much like the work I do, is restoring balance in a human being.

Because being out of balance can happen in so many different ways, and through so many years, even decades, and because you can be out of balance emotionally, intellectually, psychologically, chemically…. etc. etc. there is no healing modality that can restore anyone, there is no activator that can restore anyone, no coaching method…

Restoring balance is like picking a lock.

The most important quality a healer can bring to healing is being 100% present to what’s so, over time.

Imagine a tumble lock with 30-40 pins… the combination looks endless and it is near endless. Each pin’s position can be anywhere between on and off… Until you get it all right, the lock won’t turn, but yet, there are indicators that you are going in the right direction. You can feel it… But that doesn’t mean continuing doing the same thing, it only means, that the starting point now changed to the new starting point…

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Distinctions: your access to the mysteries of the universe

Distinctions: your access to the mysteries of the universe

Distinctions are like a hole punched into a yet solid wall. When you look through the hole, you see stuff that you could not see before. You may have seen it from the side, you may have seen it from above, from below, but that certain angle gives you a view that goes deep into the mysteries of the Universe.

Every major discovery, every major “invention” started from a distinction. The distinction may have come from a book, from someone else, but the looking, the going deep came from the person.

Lots of discoveries you learned in science classes came through distinctions from The Zohar.

The Zohar is a book documenting a group of friends of Simeon bar Yochai conversing about life, how it all works.

It is the end result of an oral tradition.

People in olden days saw more than we do. Definitely.

There have been a few generations of humanity before ours, and if there remained an orally inclined person who was aware, like Noah, then we have glimpses of knowledge that belonged to the generation before ours.

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