Tag Archives: REAL meaning

Eerie Co-Incidence Or By Design That The Thousand Years Of Peace Began On Rosh Hashana?

How eerie is this?

Look at the time-line and tell me if you see what I see:

I made the first request to activate a whole group on April 20th this year.

That day was during Passover, which is the seed level of the year ahead.

I had the Event on the 27th to end minutes before the official Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah began, September 27 at sunset.

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What Is The Meaning Of Life? What Is The Meaning Of Your Life?

People need leaders. Need leadership.

“Most people spend their lives walking around with their umbilical cords in their hands, looking for someplace to plug in.”

Life for a human needs to make sense. It needs to have a coherent story to make sense. Life without a coherent story has no meaning, and a life without meaning is unbearable, intolerable.

People (you?) are in a continual search for meaning.

Meaning that changes with what’s happening is maddening, and confusing, and cause you to shrink. Instinctively and predictably. So REAL meaning cannot come from the outside…

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Choice: Do you really choose everything that happens in your life?


We are told that we have free will. We are told that we have free choice. But we are never told what that means, so we are left with a childish or adolescent view of what we can and can’t do, what we have the power to do or not.

The childish/adolescent view is that it means that you have a license to do anything you wish, or refuse to do anything you wish.

Licentiousness is what makes government and police and laws necessary, the widespread view is that you are free to do anything, just don’t get caught.

This is now what free will or free choice implies, and this is how humanity lives today, bemoaning the fact that they were duped and there are boundaries, and other people that complain, or exercise their license to take yours… look at yourself instead.

If my hunches don’t lie, you would do the same thing if you had the courage… but you have chosen to be sheep, oh well.

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