Tag Archives: reality vs the map of reality

How realistic are your expectations? of yourself, of your life, of your brain, or your vibration…

I wrote this article almost five years ago.

Since then I have done a lot of work in the area of intelligence. This article is a lot more mainstream (meaning: wrong) than I like it, so I am in the middle of writing yet another article.

The new article will take out the mystery, why you aren’t able to accomplish what is within your power to accomplish… And what to do so that you can.

By the way, the mainstream lies are in the illustrations… Can you catch them? (Hint: fixed mindset?)

OK, here is the original article: This article will burst your bubble… so if you are not interested, don’t read it. Just leave now, while you are ahead… Now, I said. I don’t want hate mail… OK?

I had an interesting coaching session yesterday. I spoke words I thought were dangerous and inflammatory. Turned out that instead they inspired. I am still stunned…

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10 of the Most Surprising Findings from Psychological Studies

Psychology has a reputation for being the science of common sense, or a field that simply confirms things we already know about ourselves.

One way of battling this misconception, explains Jeremy Dean — a PhD candidate in psychology and master of ceremonies at the always-awesome PsyBlog — is to “think about all the unexpected, surprising, and just plain weird findings that have popped out of psychology studies over the years.” Here are ten of his favorite examples.

Cognitive dissonance

This is perhaps one of the weirdest and most unsettling findings in psychology. Cognitive dissonance is the idea that we find it hard to hold two contradictory beliefs, so we unconsciously adjust one to make it fit with the other.

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Become a match to your dreams

When I google this phrase, “become a match to your dreams” all the sites I find talk about the Law of Attraction or manifestation… so I have to suppress my distaste for the misdirection those sites and those teachers carry… and just relate to the sentence itself.

Most of the people, when I ask them what they want, talk about stuff that they have no business talking about. Most, I say, because I do have some, a few, exceptions.

When you consider that you have to work for everything… that the Law of Attraction, if there were anything valid like that, would say: when you are ready, when you have done your work, fully and without cutting corners, then the results will follow.

That is the REAL Law of Attraction. The law that tells you that you can earn what you want with work, that is complete, and thorough.

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Stepping up to the plate

Landmark Education was born in 1991. With its name change it also, appropriately, introduced a “new technology”.

The new technology was based on an earlier statement or assertion: that who you are in the present is given by the future you are living into.

It was also said like this: What gives you who you are in the present moment is the future you are living into.

But, although they were illustrating this assertion with a story , what they meant was this: what gives your being and consequently your actions in the present moment is who you invented yourself to be.

Let’s say you invent yourself to be a winner… what give your being and consequently your actions in the present, that no matter what you do, you’ll at least end up landing on your feet… and that makes you, automatically, a winner. And some of the time you’ll win more than just your safety or your life… you may win some stuff, some arguments, etc.

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Look for it where it is, not where the light is on

Everyone is looking for the lost key under the lamppost…
The current state of humanity is: no one is looking…
Instead, if they do anything, they try to think it out.

It is like trying to think out soup… no ingredients, none.

The only way to be effective in life is through looking IN REALITY, where the ingredients are… and not just for soup, but for everything.

The Streetlight Effect

The streetlight effect is a type of observational bias where people only look for whatever they are searching by looking where it is easiest. The search itself may be referred to as a drunkard’s search.

Taken from an old joke about a drunkard who is searching for something he has lost, the parable is told several ways but typically includes the following details:

A policeman sees a drunk man…
…searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys and they both look under the streetlight together. After a few minutes the policeman asks if he is sure he lost them here, and the drunk replies, no, and that he lost them in the park. The policeman asks why he is searching here, and the drunk replies, ‘this is where the light is.’
David H. Freedman apparently coined the phrase ‘streetlight effect,’ but the story and concept were used in the social sciences since at least 1964, by Abraham Kaplan, where he refers to this as ‘the principle of the drunkard’s search’

Science is divided. There are the Creationists who say that god created the universe, designed everything and all we can do is go with it.

And then there are the scientists who say: man is a machine, life is an accident, and their inquiry and methods are consistent with this context.
As you may notice, I am not going to support or argue with either of them: both of them are theories from the limited perspective of the human mind. They all look under the streetlight.
What I am intending to talk about is what both miss.
Although in my coaching practice I see it clearly that NO ONE IS LOOKING… even when all the pieces they should look for are on the board… they look inside, in their minds… supposing that the answer to any question is there… ugh… talk about ineffectiveness…

But the difference between the two camps is most visible, when they talk about intrinsic motivation.

That small part, or aspect of a human that isn’t connected to the mind, isn’t connected to anything physical.

Call it the spirit, the spark, the divine part of a human. It shines through the eyes of a child, and then slowly dims in most people…

That part that knows that you are imbued with something that doesn’t come from the survival game of the genes, from the horizontal plane of dog eat dog world.
That you are in the world but not of the world
But it is also not part of the ‘positive thinking’, pious, all mind stuff. It is NOT mind. It is not even brain. Not thinking. It is what can be called Consciousness.

It is what can be
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Worldviews: Tree of Knowledge knocking out the Tree of Life

Your worldview is invisible to you. It’s like the floor you walk on… the foundation of your life.
You need to understand that your dislike of certain people makes you a moron if you also decide that THEREFORE what they say must be stupid…

Or you like how someone looks, and therefore they must be smart. Ugh.

You need to be able to tell the difference between a person, an idea, a behavior, and see them as independent from each other… That what the person says is important. To look and choose with discernment, and after consideration.
Of course 99% of humanity was never asked to think…
…was never taught to think, and this discernment and this consideration I am asking for will not land as a valid request, because you can’t…

This is why in the past 3-4 days a good chunk of my followers sloughed off… unsubscribed, withdrew. They don’t agree with the worldview I talk about.

I remember when I was younger I also thought that being around people who believed reality different from me were like a disease I could catch because I listened to or read what they said.
I was young. And I didn’t feel safe in anything different from what I was told ‘the right worldview’ was.
I was a communist, or socialist, or Marxist… that was the right worldview in mid-20th century Hungary.

Worldview is like the floor you walk on. Any change in worldview makes your floor dissolve… so it’s frightening. Only the mentally tough risks it… And those snowflake people who left me and my teaching are not.

This article won’t be different: it will clearly delineate one worldview from another… and we’ll lose more snowflakes, I predict.

As people round the steps in the 67 step coaching program, as they begin the second cycle, they start to see new things, or they keep on seeing the same things…

Some see the things from memory. Comparing. ‘Knowing’. And some, a very few, from actually seeing.

Step two (in the 67 steps) introduces the idea of the Selfish Gene, and ess, an evolutionary stable strategy.
This point is where people diverge: one goes in the direction of the Tree of Knowledge, the other goes in the direction of the Tree of Life.
It is really amazing to watch them go, unaware that they chose because they are unaware of the other path.

In certain areas I recognize myself. I recognize the ‘there is only one right way’ view of the one who wears blinders, so they cannot look wide… they can see only where the ‘already always’ path lies. The worldview.

The view of the world, the view of people… and themselves among those people in that view of the world.

I will illustrate this with their own words… but before I do, I want to set down some principles:

Naturally, unmitigated by culture, society, memes, genes like to EXPERIMENT and arrive to new evolutionary stable strategies. Evolution, the desire for evolution is innate to the genes…  Evolved species start to use the edge effect: get more out of life.

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How to be with The things you can’t be with, you can’t accept

I got a really great question yesterday from a student.

He asks: Is it possible to be with what you can’t accept, killing, rape, and such? And how do you do it without jeopardizing your personal values, your personal integrity, and at the same time still be able to be happy and not be mired in the dark energies of hatred?

This is a really great question. After all isn’t the world REALLY divided to right and wrong? Good or bad? And wouldn’t it put you on the side of bad and wrong if you accepted what you don’t agree with, what you don’t like, what you abhor?

The answer to the question, as almost always, is hidden in the question.

It takes a shift of vantage point.

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Why you do what you do, why you don’t do what you don’t do?

There are two types of students and there are two types of teachers.

Teacher One says: I’ll teach you!
Teacher Two says: I won’t quit until you learned it!

Student One says: I’ll come to your class, I’ll pay for your program and then I’ll try!
Student Two says: I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure I learn it and have it for myself.
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Do you know enough?

If you didn’t ask… “Know Enough For what?!” then you can consider that you are trapped, at the moment, by the question in the title.

That was the purpose of the title, by the way. To trap you.

While you read your article, to get the most out of it, allow yourself to find yourself in my experience, instead of agree or not agree… OK?

Every person with a mind (that is every person alive!) moves back and forth on a continuum (scale) of knowing enough or not knowing enough… Some days you feel you know everything, on others you feel you know nothing.

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Why you do what you do, and why you don’t do what you don’t do?

There are two types of students and there are two types of teachers.

Teacher One says: I’ll teach you!
Teacher Two says: I won’t quit until you learned it!

Student One says: I’ll come to your class, I’ll pay for your program and then I’ll try!
Student Two says: I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure I learn it and have it for myself.

This is not limited to learning…

One person says: I’ll try
Another person says: I can do it
The third person says: I’ll do it until it’s done

People who are willing to try are many. Teachers, students, doesn’t matter.

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