Tag Archives: reality vs the map of reality

More Vibrational Reviews: Ralph Smart, Mashhur Anam, Elma Mayer, Braco, Carnelian Sage

Ralph Smart aka Infinite Waters
Personal vibration: 170
Truth value of message: 150https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE9-TrNzBLw

Mashhur Anam founder of Life Harmonized
Mashhur Anam is an alchemist of life transformation who is guided by a belief and deep knowing that anything is possible. Over the years, curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness, have guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it.Personal vibration: 190 (re-measured on 9/12/13 and it dropped to 170)
Truth value of methods, teachings, tools: 150

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Instant Healing, Instant Transformation — The Dream Scam of the Age

I have started to do one-on-one consulting again. I didn’t know what to expect, but I now know I can handle anything…

I just started today, so I have had one session. It was wonderful, and the results could be spectacular, except…

This is what this article will be about, that “except…” To see what’s in the way of anyone, any modality, any methodology being able to produce results, ever.

We live in a world of instant gratification, and instant is expected. It is also propagated by stupid, ignorant, fraudulent practitioners, like the ones I write about in my vibrational reviews. In fact, there are 20 million pages telling you that instant whatever is possible, and it is your birthright, just pay a little bit of money for it.

I participated in Landmark Education for 27 years. They also, albeit not openly, promise that you will have a breakthrough in your effectiveness, in your results, in the quality of your life. What they are not saying is that it is not promised because it is up to you.

So, what are these programs, what are these practitioners do, if not what they are promising, if not what you are paying for?

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On Psychic channeling, psychic channelers, entities, and such… UPDATED

Channelers are experiencing an unprecedented amount of attention and wealth.

Why is that: channeling comes closest to organized religion: there is an all-knowing figurehead that answers questions, pronounces truths, teaches, preaches, and does your bidding in a lot of ways. A dependence develops between the entity and you… you are hooked. You found your tit from which to suck your knowledge, and you have been relieved from having to think for yourself.

People are hoping to have answers, hoping to be sure before they do something, want guidance, and the channel is more than willing to provide that.

Chenneling reminds me of the gipsy I met some 40 years ago on a sunny spring day, much like today. I was on my way to pick up my paycheck at work, though I was on sick leave, but I had to live.

Paycheck meant cash then, no checks in Hungary, I don’t even think they have checking system even now. They carry around cash, though they have credit cards.

Anyway, I was in a sunshiny mood, and the gipsy showed up and offered to tell me my future.

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Vibrational Review: Grigori Grabovoi, Arcady Petrov, Organ Regeneration Method, and Pranic Healing UPDATED

A reader asks: Can you give a vibrational review on Arcady Petrov (personal: 170, 4% truth) and Grigori Grabovoi (personal: 190, teaching: 220, 20% truth level.). They are both Russian Authors. You can find their work in Amazon. They supposedly have learned how to regenerate body organs like teeth and in fact are teaching people how to do it.

I have done research on the internet and after I was sure I was connecting to the right person, my vibrational measures are in parentheses next to the person’s name. Read my review of Pranic healing on the bottom

Although 220 vibration is respectable (Grigori) he was about 80% off, and made sweeping generalizations… He is in prison now, if I understand it correctly.

Our usual “scheme” is being repeated here: a relatively competent person with relatively high level of consciousness tries to teach an ambitious lower consciousness person, no success, and then that person will teach other people of what he can’t do… Brilliant scheme to dupe millions of people who want to get well, or have children, parents, spouses, siblings… the devastation is terrible.

Of course, there is always the inevitable few percentile that just because they have “hope” they pull themselves out of the self-perpetuated illness and have a turnaround. The is a predictable side-effect of any healing modality, good or bad.

Between you and me, you get more results from my innocent audios infused in your drinking water, the Heaven on Earth, the Unconditional Love Activator, or even “just” the Water Energizer… Guaranteed.

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Are you sure you are feeling THAT? How many emotions can you identify in yourself?

All Decisions Are Emotional. Later You Justify Them With Your Mind. Want to know what emotion blocks your breathing?

There is nothing new in that for many of you, but for those of you that didn’t know about it: let me explain.

Emotions is a guidance system that is much more ancient than the mind. You feel stuff way before the mind gets alert that something is going on. The mind is always late to every party. The mind asks the question: “What happened?” because it doesn’t know.
There is a saying: some people make things happen, others watch things happen, and yet more people ask: what the heck happened?
Now, up till here, this is pretty commonplace for a lot of people.

What I am going to say now is new, even I didn’t know until this past Saturday. It is so new, and it is so shocking, to me, that I have been telling it to everyone who is willing to listen.

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The skill to identify and the skill to overcome your dominant way you avoid to grow

It’s eerie how soul correction that is calculated from your date of birth and zodiac signs, calculated from just your birthday can be so very accurate in their core.

By core I mean your base nature. What you are inclined to do, the attitude you are inclined to have.
My horoscope for the next weeks or so… by Rob Brezsny:
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Pike’s Peak is a 14,115-foot mountain in Colorado. It’s not a simple task to trek to the top. Unless you’re well-trained, you might experience altitude sickness. Wicked thunderstorms are a regular occurrence during the summer. Snow falls year-round. But back in 1929, an adventurer named Bill Williams decided the task of hiking to the summit wasn’t tough enough. He sought a more demanding challenge. Wearing kneepads, he spent 21 days crawling along as he used his nose to push a peanut all the way up. I advise you to avoid making him your role model in the coming weeks, Virgo. Just climb the mountain. Don’t try to push a peanut up there with your nose, too.

As you know, or should know, I don’t teach anything I haven’t tested myself… and mostly on myself.
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Vibrational Review: Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code, and the Avatar State Audios… what’s the difference?

Revisited: What does the vibration number mean? Why are methodologies that actually help people rate low on the vibrational scale? I’ll compare and review the Dr. Bradley Nelson method, The Emotion Code, and the Avatar State Audios.

I just finished watching a few episodes of the Dr. Bradley Nelson show. Dr. Bradley Nelson is a showman, a great salesperson. I think it’s great: I wish I could be more like him doing the work I do. More people would flock to me.

Now, why is Dr. Bradley Nelson’s vibration as low as 190, occasionally as low as 170? Is he an unhappy person? Is this a case of the shoemaker who doesn’t have shoes?

The answer is no. I see two problems with his methodology that would result in such low vibration.

The problem isn’t as much his well-being, peace of mind, etc. as he isn’t in the business of empowering people. His methodology is to work through practitioners, and this model duplicates the system of the medical establishment, the church, the government.

In his system people are treated for an issue with a method that may work, by a practitioner who was “specially trained” to treat people with that method.

So people need to be sick for those practitioners to exist, which means his system perpetuates disease.

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Is the Soul-Correction Workshop Stairway to Heaven?

Is the Soul-Correction Workshop Stairway to Heaven?

We’ll first need to distinguish all the elements of the above question, otherwise we are going to be like two trains passing each other: not on the same track.

Let me hold no secrets from you:
soul correction is at the root of you raising your vibration. Nothing else. You conquering, one-by-one your shadow…
So let’s look at the distinctions:
What is Soul-Correction? It’s a set of set behaviors and attitudes that are out of vibrational alignment with how it is, a distortion in perception of reality

What is a workshop? Workshops are interactive. There is no actual material delivered, except when some explanation of distinctions is necessary in order to understand what’s happening. In my workshops I coach participants publicly while others listen. I make it as interactive as I can, and I demand attention, at least raising your hand by pushing a button on your computer. If you join the workshop (webinar) from a phone or ipad, you can type “yes” when others raise their hands.

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How much stress, how much tension can you handle? It is all in the stance…

I am going through a rough time.

A business I started 25 years ago needs to be shut down. It wasn’t a self-expression for me for about 10 years now. But closing a business is much like getting a divorce, so I was just plodding along until it is costing money instead of making me money.

It’s not very complicated, actually it is much easier, technically, thank a divorce: you just shut down the websites, and cancel a few contracts with suppliers.
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Energy vampires: how it works and how I fell victim to one myself

Some people thrive on your energy. If you have no tools to measure, you don’t even know.

The people that attach themselves to you to drain your energy into themselves are normally your family or close friends.

I had a client whose father was draining her life force for years when I first checked her. She was in worse shape than the father. Although I removed the attachment every time we spoke, she stayed living with her parents. She got sicker and weaker by the day, she was sacrificing her life for her 80 year old dad’s. I refused to cooperate.

Another client came to me with an attachment that had been there for years. He went shrinking, complaining of ringing ears… I removed the attachment, but he went out and looked for other women to attach themselves to him. He had no courage to live his live as a fully responsible adult. This way he had an excuse.

My downstairs neighbor, a male, was using his girl friend’s energy. I watched the girl wither. I sent her energy without her knowing it, and finally she moved out and away to have her own life and keep her own energy. The guy promptly went out to look for another victim.

>For the past week I have been feeling off. My balance has been off, my energy has been off. I didn’t think of measuring my vibration, but a “student” tested his muscle-testing prowess on me, and it turned out that my vibration dropped 33 points: huge. I was mortified, really I still am.

As you know, muscle-testing is tricky: you can’t just ask any question, the question needs to be clear and have a yes/no answer. So you are left to your imagination and intuition: the better questions you ask the surer that you’ll get an answer.

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