Tag Archives: reality vs the map of reality

There are thousands, millions, even billions of ways to unhappiness, but only one way to be happy

There are thousands, millions, even billions of ways to unhappiness, but only one way to be happy

Controversial statement, isn’t it? It is reminiscent to Jesus’ saying: only through me… whatever he said.

Although the statement is grandiose, it points to a very simple truth. Simple doesn’t mean easy. It only means “uncomplicated.”

No one is really teaching it. It doesn’t sell. It is near impossible, and yet, it’s been done, and we just did it this past Saturday. We demonstrated that it’s possible.

I am talking about being in the present moment.

Books have been written about it, but they were written by people who either lied, or can’t teach. They, somehow, evolutionally (is that a word?) found themselves there, and now they are considered gurus, on Oprah, but they are not worth a bag of beans to you, because you are not where they are.

Eckhard Tolle wrote one sentence worth reading in his whole career, one sentence that could be the straw that broke the camel’s back, the little mouse that finally pushed the balance of power over in the fairy tale… where all the animals were trying to unite to pull out a tasty carrot from the ground.

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Catch A Glimpse: Part Two: nothing is enough proof that you aren’t… and how that tends to take over your life

When you are not something, nothing is enough proof that you aren’t… you can only prove something that is… not the absence of it.

I left off the article yesterday that in preparation to Saturday’s Activate Divinity, I found and integrated a fragment of my self.

Here is the incident how come I lost that fragment:

When I was three and a half years old, I was raped. I was washed up and taken home. My mother heard the story, looked at me, said “you are a whore” and turned away in disgust.

I didn’t know what whore meant, and surely I didn’t know that it had anything to do with sex. I didn’t know about sex. Sex didn’t happen to me.

What I did know is this: in the basement apartment lived a family that moved there, to the mountain where we lived, because their daughter had tuberculosis. The clean air of the mountain is said to cure that.

She was a beautiful girl, about 17 at the time. She dressed beautifully. She wore expensive clothes, quite in contrast with their apartment and anyone I knew.

My mother called her a whore too.

The association, nice clothing, with the passing years extended to personal hygiene, to keeping my clothes clean, keeping my room clean, to money… It never even gone close to sex… weird, isn’t it?

I was trying to prove to my mother that I wasn’t a whore. Until yesterday I was still trying.

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Magical Solutions To Life… So You Can Experience Love, Care, And Appreciation, Finally… Pure Magic… Part One

Pure Magic
Magical Solutions to life… so you can experience love, care, and appreciation, finally… Part One

Why can’t you really experience love, caring, appreciation? What displaces all these wonderful feelings?

Part One of this article will bring focus to the real cause of why you can’t really experience love, joy, happiness, real connection, gratitude… all the wonderful feelings that would make your life worth living, and make every moment a celebration.

One of the magical results of my online workshop is that they return love, care, appreciation to your life.

How do I do it? It is surprisingly simple. And I just found a poetic way to express it.

I am quoting my most magical teacher’s Monday Morning Memo: always an inspiration, but today especially.
Time is a Solvent

An auction house is an island of cast-offs and misfits where the rejected and broken feel finally at home.

I am speaking of the merchandise, of course, not of the people.

Perhaps I am speaking of the people, as well.

From the age of 18, Pennie and I have searched for buried treasure in auction houses. When you collect the misfit and the broken, you quickly learn how to accentuate natural beauty and disguise the inevitable flaws. These are valuable skills for a marketing consultant.

There is magic in that moment between Before and After.

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The curse of understanding…

If I know you well, your relationship to life is mainly through understanding. Which you either have or not.

When you do, you are happy, even though you are just as unsuccessful living well, being fulfilled as you were before.

When you hear something, when you see something, you try to understand it. When people do something, stupid, smart, hurtful, you want to understand why they did it. Don’t you?

When you read, you try to understand it.


People who are successful, high achievers, they don’t try to understand, they may not understand at all.

Continue reading The curse of understanding…

How to change your future by changing your story

Your stories are boring, repetitive, and rigidly fixed. You tell them the same every time, and that gives you a life of gloom and doom, an ever narrowing, ever more impoverished version of the Life you could have.

This article is about blowing some life into your story, so you can have more life.

“Know something, sugar? Stories only happen to people who can tell them.” – Allan Gurganus

Gurganus is right. The truth happens to everyone, but stories only happen to people who can tell them. And tell them well…
Continue reading How to change your future by changing your story

What if two fairy tales could turn your life around, so you could love your life?

The two fairy tales that give you your life

I am running three developmental courses right now. Developmental courses and personal conversations are:
1. How I inform Source on what needs to get done and what’s in the way of humans being willing and able to be all they can be;
2. How I test ideas, theories, activators, methods and such;
3. How I find out what people can do, what they can’t do. What they can learn; and what they cannot learn because it is not a skill, it’s a talent, a gift.
4. How I get great ideas for articles, like the idea of the two fairy tales.

Continue reading What if two fairy tales could turn your life around, so you could love your life?

Emotional Intelligence: When you suppress half of reality, you need to suppress all of it…

I spent two hours on technical support this morning. My emails are not delivered… and that is a big problem in a business…

The lovely support person, Claire, was knowledgeable, but here anxiety was so strong, I got dizzy from it.

Even though I don’t know her from Adam, I took it on myself to coach her… I felt that she was anxious because it takes time to do what she does, and she had to make me wait here and there.

That stressed her out… I assured her that I had no problem waiting, that she was fine, that she was competent, and she didn’t need to hurry. Continue reading Emotional Intelligence: When you suppress half of reality, you need to suppress all of it…

World View: are you trying to build a life on a foundation of misery?

If you ever decided that you wanted to live your life in a particular way, successful, joyful, productive, fulfilling, you would want to CHOOSE a world view –>, a world view that COULD create the perfect foundation for that type of life, the life of your choosing.

But you never decided… and you never chose. You have a worldview, or maybe a worldview has you…

World view is a particular interpretation of life, of creation, of power, of choice, of freedom. Of other people, of nature. Of what is important and what isn’t. Of what is agreed upon and what isn’t.

Depending on the world view, only certain actions and certain things can be present. It’s like a stage in a play: you can’t put there stuff that doesn’t belong. That doesn’t have a role… On the stage, if there is a gun there, you can be sure it will be used during the story. I read that somewhere about Chekhov’s plays… Continue reading World View: are you trying to build a life on a foundation of misery?