Tag Archives: reality vs the map of reality

Are you my ideal customer? How did you find my site?

Summary: Now that I have lost my main source of income, I am back to the planning stage. I am back to finding out how to reach people who want what I have to offer: Energy remedies for peace of mind, freedom, power, and are willing to work for it at the same time, instead of waiting for a miracle or a pill or a magic bullet.

I am not often confronted. Being confronted always means that something or someone has breached the separation between your hidden self and your fake self.

You hide the stuff that you don’t think will work in the world, that will not buy you the image or goodies you want, the affection, appreciation, the job, the friends, the money.

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The most instructional movie to illustrate consciousness awakening

In this movie, a man, unconscious of himself, his actions, of anything about himself, starts to hear his life narrated in his head (the Observer or the Witness), and starts living his life from that perspective, outside of his body, outside of his mind.

The movie is brilliant. Stranger than fiction. It stars Will Farrell, and Will Farrel could be you.

Now, here is a clue about you: how you will read this article can tell you everything about you.

How you do anything is how you do everything.

It will tell you your future more reliably than anything else you could hear or read.
It will tell you your level of intelligence.
It will tell you what you can hope to get out of my products, my courses, my work. Reliably.

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How would you know if you are a sissy? And I don’t mean gay…

This is a March 2017 update… Since I wrote this article, I have been able to measure your sissiness score… I call it the TLB Score (Twitchy Little Bastard score)… to what degree you are able to evolve as a human. Personally. You. Able and willing.
Want to know your score? Your life actually shows you… but if you think it’s the circumstances, or not being smart enough… you may want to find out what about you that doesn’t allow you to grow, to create a life worth living.
Get your TLB score… I measure it personally… it is not a questionnaire… How can I measure it? I am a True Empath… I can measure accurately a lot of invisible things about you…

OK… here is the original article.
Humanity is declining… Are you part of the problem, or part of the solution?

I read a paragraph in an article, online, I can’t seem to find the article any more.

The article says that the United States became a world leader because of its attitude of innovation, and hard work, but today: U.S. consumers spend significantly more on potato chips than the U.S. government devotes to energy Research and Development.

Research and Development, innovation, is what makes a country grow, and it needs people who can cause growth. People who can think. Who are willing to think. Who enjoy thinking, getting to be pioneers… work long hours, be uncomfortable… Not for the money, but because they love challenges.

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There is no secret to raising your vibration

There is no secret, no secret ingredient to raising your vibration, to become an expanding human being.

For those of you who have been making ever tightening circles around the secret, you may call it the Truth, this article will be first a big let-down. A disappointment.
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Second Wind: Abilities or effort? The role of effort

Everyone can get to the good life, but not everyone will get to the good life. Why? Because not everyone is willing to do what they need to do to get to the good life.
Tai Lopez said that. What he didn’t say: you need to go beyond where you are comfortable, so you’ll need a second wind.

And it is true on certain conditions.
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Want More Energy? Want To Get More Out Of Life? Awaken Your Sexuality! Really!

I have discovered that sexuality can be awakened by directing Source energy to the sexual organs.

Now, why would I be so excited about that? After all we live in an oversexed society… right?


But the society is oversexed because of manipulation, not because we were “designed” this way!

One of the most important books I have ever read was Michel Foucault’s The History of Sexuality. It is a difficult read, but I was hooked early on: I have a soft spot for sexuality, if you haven’t noticed, lol.

I read only one of the four(?) volumes, volume 2.

In that book he tells the reader how sexuality is being used by the powers that be to play 3-card Monte with humanity.

Foucault say that by turning sex into the topic of conversation, people

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Breathing Difficulty, Holding your Breath, The Parental Disapproval Syndrome

Sometimes when you poke around you find stuff you didn’t want to find, didn’t want to know, you’d rather not know. But if you know it, if you are willing to face it: you have a new lease on life… So read it.

This article will lose a good percentage of my readers, it’s so sacra-religious, it’s so profoundly upsetting.

I am guided to watch movies, especially hit TV series. It is hard to tell what I am going to see, while I am watching them, hours after hours, on Netflix, but I know how it works, and I know that unless I start to see stuff that my life isn’t giving an insight into, I will not be able to distinguish for you all the ways that the enslavement, that caused you to be miserable, does its job.

This article is about the family. It’s about how family is used to enslave you.

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The big mystery of how to receive for the sake of sharing and get money for you

You receive lasting Light only if your desire is a desire to receive for the sake of sharing, not a desire to receive for the self alone… But the big mystery of how the heck you can desire to receive for the sake of sharing. Some people have found a way… but not THE way…

Life, and desiring is a lot like walking the tight rope. You lean either way too much and you fall off.

I have had a lot of experience falling off, both sides. So I know.

The secret of walking without falling is

awareness of where you are leaning… not easy.
conscious ability to direct your attention
wide cone of vision
certainty… some call it faith.

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Curiosity, Inquiry, Discernment, Tree Of Life…

…Tree Of Knowledge, Mind, Brain, Thinking About, Thinking… Do You Know The Difference?You are wired to want to know
You are wired to avoid uncertainty, wired to want to know how it all works so you can be safe. Understandable. Makes sense… you must use the MIND to accomplish that: feel safe, believe you are safe, dream of safety, crave safety, shrink, become nearly nonexistent.

Safety is a myth. Life is not safe. Safety is not attainable.

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