Tag Archives: reality vs the map of reality

How to get love, beauty, magic back into your life?

Recently I found myself finding my life blah. So I set out to regain my will to live… because with blah comes no will to leave, much like when you are forced to eat tasteless food, you lose your will to eat.

I also noticed that the color faded from my language. People stopped complimenting me on the turn of phrases, the expressions, the metaphors I used… because I stopped using them.

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Are you using your adult capacities?

The first Osho book I have ever read, was Maturity. I started to read it in the store, and fell in love with it.

It echoed one of my favorite Landmark courses, the Wisdom Course.

In that course, maturity was a state (they call it possibility, just a Landmark word!): where you were using adult capacities to live your life.

One would think that when you are an adult you use your adult capacities, but that is not the case.

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Life Is Not Working? Look at Integrity. Maybe It’s Out

 Without Integrity Nothing Works. Sounds Good. Sounds Weird. It’s True! But Why?

I am borrowing that phrase, “without integrity nothing works” from Landmark.

It’s a catchy slogan. When things aren’t working, you can look where is your integrity, you put it back in, or not, and that’s that. Life either starts working or not.

Yeah, but why? Why would integrity matter?

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Didn’t get the DNA upgrade? Don’t fret, it’s not final

I have been observing people for about 23 years. Before that I had my head up my arse… and I wouldn’t have seen anything had I looked: I was so busy trying to get to a place where I can stand on my two feet and look.

Until that point I was trying to make a living in a job I didn’t like, I was trying to survive in a country that didn’t welcome me, I was trying to be accepted in an organization that didn’t appreciate my devotion.

In essence I was busy in the lower regions of Maslow’s hierarchy.

The capacities that were included in the DNA upgrade were all the two highest level of Maslow’s hierarchy, the levels anyone only pursues when their lower needs are taken care of, although it is not as cut and dry as that, some people will resign to a lower level of existence and give up pursuing their lower priority needs, so they can give their lives to something bigger… but the majority of people behave consistent with Maslow’s theory.

Since the article about the 19%-81% yesterday, I get worried emails asking me if they have the new DNA, or if not, if they are ready to get it.

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God Doesn’t Have A Thumb or Will You Dance?

I am never made to watch a movie that is not what I need to watch.

It also could be that I am mono-maniac, that I have a one-track mind… who cares, right?

Today, in the middle of the day, I was taken to the movie “The Girl on The Bridge.” It is a french movie from 1999. On the surface it seems to be about luck and about two people, unlucky apart, lucky together.

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the planet’s smartest people have a narrow cone of vision

This is an article I reprinted because I found that it comes at the right juncture: where people are asked to decide if they are going to be the cause of their own evolution, or if they are going to assume the worry for themselves… Worry means no action. It’s a pretense. It is the only recourse of the cowardly, impotent, and ineffective.
The 150 Things the World’s Smartest People Are Afraid of
Afraid Of What? By Brian Merchant

Every year, the online magazine Edge–the so-called smartest website in the world, helmed by science impresario John Brockman–asks top scientists, technologists, writers, and academics to weigh in on a single question. This year, that query was “What Should We Be Worried About?”, and the idea was to identify new problems arising in science, tech, and culture that haven’t yet been widely recognized.

This year’s respondents include former presidents of the Royal Society, Nobel prize-winners, famous sci-fi authors, Nassem Nicholas Taleb, Brian Eno, and a bunch of top theoretical physicists, psychologists, and biologists. And the list is long. Like, book-length long. There are some 150 different things that worry 151 of the planet’s biggest brains. And I read about them all, so you don’t have to: here’s the Buzzfeedized version, with the money quote, title, or summary of the fear pulled out of each essay. Obviously, go read the rest if any of the below get you fretting too.

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Humans are vibrational beings

The internet is full of crap, and the so called gurus talk most of it. All second-hand crap.

This phrase: humans are vibrational beings, on the surface is truth… but if you scratch it, it is unscientific, nonsensical, pretentious, and misleading. And misleading is the main tool of fakes, frauds, and impostors.

In quantum physics, the current state of knowledge in physics, everything depends on the observer: and a “thing” can be physical, or matter, or a wave… depending on the observer’s expectation.

I guess this is the basis of this stupid statement. If you look at yourself as a vibrational being, then you are… now what?

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Levels of consciousness explained

If we continue with the analogy of climbing a circular staircase, in each paradigm you can be at the bottom of the steps on the top, or anywhere in between.

Let’s consider that it takes 100 rotations to get to the top of the staircase inside your current paradigm. Wherever you are, you’ll find yourself somewhere on that 1 to 100 scale. Most likely closer to the bottom… Sorry.

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Rose Colored Glasses, Hope, and other stuff that take you out of the present moment

The purveyors of hope
When “picking” a state of being, an attitude, a mindset, conventional wisdom can be detrimental to our well-being.

Unless you are a prisoner in a concentration camp, and what’s predictable is that you will not make it out alive, hope is a very bad-for-you state to pick. But even there, unless it gives you actions that keep you alive longer, that make you take care of yourself, hope as a being, hopeful is the right word, will be just a feeling… and you know how it is with feelings: they come and go at their own accord: you can’t control feelings. Hope and hopeless are the two sides of the same coin. Being doesn’t have a flip side.
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