Tag Archives: reality vs the map of reality

What Is Dark Side? Was It Ever Part Of Creation? Now That It Disappeared: Will It Ever Come Back?

What Is Dark Side? Was It Ever Part Of Creation? Now That It Disappeared: Will It Ever Come Back?

I don’t believe dark side was even anticipated at the time of creation. I also don’t believe that Source is concerned about the dark side, or even knows about it.

So where did the Dark Side come from? Great question, right?

It seems to me that Dark Side was created by humanity. it is fed by the desire to receive for the self alone.

Desire to receive for the self alone has two parts:

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Why Would You Want To Be Grateful? What is Gratitude Going To Do For You?

In this article I am going to teach you about gratitude. I will show you why you haven’t been able to evoke this powerful state, even though gratitude opens the gates of Heaven, opens your ability to ask for what you desire, and get it.

Chances are that your Original Design capacities have been activated. That means that your vibrational frequency is at 299, or will be in a matter of hours or days.

299 is the dividing line between being able to be a cause in your life and in your reality, or staying an effect.

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Dark Side Revealed. Can It Be Defeated? Ever?

Dark Side
Dark Side is a reality. I am gaining insights little by little, it is not like I can learn much about its motives: Dark Side doesn’t reveal its purpose, doesn’t reveal its strategies, moves, means of enslavement and assimilation, you can put the picture together, like a jigsaw puzzle, afterwards.

Afterwards? Yes.
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The evolutionary approach to your inner stress, lack, misery

This article stands the current culture and the current approach to spirituality, consciousness, self-growth on its head… If you are happy to be miserable, please don’t read it!

Watch this short movie. If it doesn’t bring tears in your eyes, pain in your heart, then probably this article isn’t for you
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What is the opposite of reaction; is it response?

This is a republished article from June 26, 2013… So please don’t get alarmed… this didn’t just happen. It happened long time ago. But the message is as timely as ever…

What is the opposite of reaction; is it response? Is it pro-active? Prepare to be surprised…
Gurus and even psychologists give lip service to not being reactive.
They say it’s the ego’s way to take over your life. They suggest that you respond. They don’t know what they are talking about, and you, the client, suffer as a result.

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10 Key Success Quotes That You NEED To Hear and the illusion of progress

by Alex Ferriera

Please pay attention: this is NOT my article, and the references to “I” and “me” are not mine, they are Alex Ferriera’s… I am republishing these quotes because I want it to be an experiment… Clue is at the end of the article.

Motivation is as much of necessary habit as eating is. Constantly surround yourself with the correct inspiration and you are sure to expand your dreams. Here are some of my favorite quotes which remind me to keep progressing forward.
10. “To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.”
To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.

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I have to admit, I would have never thought to write this article, without reading Andy Shaw’s book, Creating a Bug Free Mind. He writes extensively about worry.

I never thought of myself as a worrier, but, of course, I still worry from time to time. Nowhere near as much as others.

They call it fear of failure, anxiety, but it is all worry.

Spending all your mental energy fretting about something in the future, while in the present things don’t get done. Hm. Really stupid, isn’t it?

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Jill Bolte Taylor’s Stroke Of Insight, Or The Hemispheres of the Brain Is The Cornerstone Of Peace?

Jill Bolte Taylor’s Stroke Of Insight, Or The Brain Is The Cornerstone Of Peace

Jill Bolte personal vibration: 245
her story and teaching: 296
truth value: 235

What is the term for the passages between the two hemispheres of the brain? Anyone knows?

I have been trying to find out what is the proper word to use when I am talking about the two sides of the brain working together… what are those circuits that light up when you actually “be” as a full-brain individual, where your whole brain participates in your life at the same time, and you have your analytical capabilities and your “intuitive” capabilities informing your actions and your feelings at the same time, not either one or the other.

In my search I was lead to this brain researcher’s speech on TED

I remember seeing that video once before, and I remember feeling that it was hokey… but at the time I didn’t know why.

Can I say today? Let’s see if I can succeed… though the audience ate it up, and I am risking (as usual) to be very unpopular.

Let me start with its conclusion, which is the biggest b.s. I have heard in a long time.

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Two myths that lead you to no success and misery

Most articles just flow out of me… this one just didn’t want to flow.


My guess is that this article may be the most damaging to the current status quo, current success myths that keeps people that follow the common knowledge stuck in their misery.

My second guess is that it’s because I myself am just now going through the process of liberating myself fully from this common knowledge.

With transformation, with success, with raising your vibration, there is no way around hard stuff, only through it.  The shortcut leads through the stuff… Said in another way: the shortcut is not an easy way, it is the hardest, emotionally, existentially, because there is no easy way… so if you were looking for an easy way, please leave now.

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Step by tiny step: raise your consciousness to raise your vibration… the connection is revealed in this article

What needs to change for vibration to rise? Can an energy raise your vibration? Can changing your beliefs change your vibration?

Like with everything, things are best measured when you are at your worst, including your vibration. When the s-h-i-t hits the fan. When someone pushes your buttons. When all your dreams come tumbling down.

Why? Because the rest of the time you are just la-di-da… no challenge. You fancy yourself safe, successful, high vibration, but it all proves to be a pretense when the going gets tough.

Of course, your dramatic mind can make every action feel like the crucial action that your mind depends on… running late, clicking the wrong button, the computer malfunctioning, forgetting something…

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