Tag Archives: reality

How to keep your vibration high at Christmas?

I am sitting at my computer, observing the emails I get, observing people’s behavior.

It seems that the (Christian) world is disappearing into two main fantasy lands, two main unrealities: Christmas, and making cash infusion into their lives.

All horizontal plane, all hurry, all puppets on a string. All based on the unreality of lack. (I will write about this lack issue in another article… it’s important, so I may even email you to let you know…)

Your life is dominated by the separation of the two selves: the higher self is sent into its room for these last days of the year, and the lower self is throwing its weight around.
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Why aren’t you happy most of the time?

It’s not what you could see, hope to see, it is what you actually see, consciously, that define your actions and therefore your results, your thoughts, your mood…

What you see is called “occurrence” and is made up of a little bit of reality, and an awful lot of words.

Words that explain, words that interpret, words that give meaning of what is actually happening: reality.

What is Reality? Collective hunch at best, but we can define it in a funky way: everything that a just arrived Martian can see! Then stick to that definition, like the seasoned umpire sticks to his… I’ll explain it later…

If I set out a caption contest, everyone would give me a different caption, depending on what they see. And you don’t see things as they are (reality), you see them as YOU are… full of meaning, interpretation, drama, emotions, full of hot air. Reality is simple, a woman standing by the railing of a bridge… or maybe a balcony. No words, no emotions.

This is the job the Playground is about… to carefully peel away the veils (words and marker feelings = emotions) YOU add to reality to make you, ahem… miserable, for the most part.
The three umpires story needs to be told again here…

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Knowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch…

Knowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch… or a virtual reality eye piece.

A student of mine reacted to yesterday’s article.
Thank You Sophie,
For being my connection to reality.
Sometimes it seems the world is full of pettiness and silliness and unreality. You are like a beacon of hope and sanity, lighting a path to clarity with relentless determination.
Thank you. I am grateful to have you in my life. And thankful for your patient guidance.
In your post today you said that seeing was more important than knowing, and you said: Knowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch… or a virtual reality eye piece.
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The tyranny of the pursuit of happiness

More books are sold on happiness than maybe even on dieting… especially because 98% diet books’ hidden attraction is happiness.

Weird, eh?

I have read my share of the books on happiness, of all kinds of psychologies, philosophies, and just inane silliness in articles, TED talks, youtube videos…

In my humble opinion no one is willing to shout out that the emperor is naked. that our desire for happiness is what causes this sea of unhappiness we are all swimming in.
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Why can’t you copy the same exact thing a billionaire does, and get the same result?

What is the difference between people who make a lot of money, and people who don’t,
people who have good family life, and people who don’t,
people who have good health and people who don’t?

I watched a video on which a dude played the same exact tunes on three different violins.

The link to the video was on Digg, and the editor said that they, in Digg’s office, didn’t hear much difference.

I did. One violin’s sound brought tears to my eyes… it was so incredibly resonant, and beautiful.

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You cannot solve a problem that is not real

We all have moments of brilliance and hours of stupidity, or some version of “not brilliant”

Some people take it in stride… this is how it is, no matter who you are. Einstein had moments of brilliance… and hours, days of stupidity too.

If life were not like that, brilliant/stupid alternating, there would be no life on the planet… we would all die of exhaustion.

Brilliance is not the only “peak experience” we all crave and wand to keep around all the time. So we are with pretty, and nice, and helpful, and all the other made up “solutions” to our failings… And, as I have said before, every solution is the beginning of a bigger problem.

I got raped because I was stupid, I said.
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Reality… the pragmatic approach that removes the misery, the suffering, even frustration

Back in the early 70’s I had a live-in boy friend, who was a philosophy student. His father was a famous philosopher, was a Hegel expert.

Hegel, I hear, is one of the most impenetrable philosopher to me. The family, father and three sons, had regular philosophy lessons.

I am not interested in philosophy, not a debating/argumentative person, but lately I am encountering philosophical questions that are at the root of my teaching: teaching you to be in harmony with life, teaching you to live a happy life.

One of the most important questions here is what is reality, what is real, because all that unhappiness we experience comes from what is not real.
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