Tag Archives: relative devaluation of your I

What is the source of your bad feelings? The bad feelings you try to suppress or fix…

Almost all bad feelings you have come as a result of your delusional self, your precious “I” is scared of being devalued.

It is as if you were a gold plated coin pretending to be solid gold, and life would be continually threatening you to reveal your fakeness.

I used to be like you. I felt that there was a big gap between my accomplishments and my abilities… and maybe there was.

But most importantly, every little error, every little mistake I made or even just faced!!! jerked me down a hellish path… filling me with dread, and fear, and remorse, and regret, and who even knows words for those horrible feelings.

And mistakes? I made plenty.

I misunderstood, I jumped into conclusion, I tried to do something too fast before I even saw what the heck I was supposed to do… Put my foot in the mouth… lol.

40+ times a day.
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