Tag Archives: rob brezsny

Bridging… how to inch your way to your dreams

As a rule, I don’t have many marker feelings in a day.

A marker feeling is a feeling associated with a set of words… like “you are stupid” and then you feel bad.
Or “you are making a mistake” and you feel fear.
This morning I wanted to work on my presentation on tomorrow’s webinar: the remarkable system of getting to a life worth living… or whatever i called it in the email…
So, as it is totally normal, not a single cell of mine wants to do that work. It’s normal.

Doing something new, doing something public, upsets the ess… it’s not comfortable… it is not what I normally do day in and day out.

Now, if the work were to write an article… none of this would happen. But the webinar format is different… I cannot pause and think between sentences like when I write an article. It has to flow… and there is a fear… A fear of mucking it up. A fear of losing some subscribers. A fear of losing face. A fear of looking bad.

Normal. Not pleasant.
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Rob Brezsny interprets the invisible and answers attacks

I am sharing today’s Rob Brezsny newsletter, because he answers a lot of question for me, about my work as well.

For example, why would soul correction be calculated from your date of birth… WTF, right? But it is very accurate, I must tell you. Even though I discover and am shown aspects of a soul correction, once I see the new aspect, I can look and it fits all people with the same correction like a glove.

I am also starting to see more clearly some low vibration aspects of different systems of thought.

For example: any system of thought that subscribes to god, gods, angels, or in fact any entities, loses truth value and vibration to the degree that the system depends on that idea, on those ideas.

The idea for a need for a supernatural being, or two or many shows a low grasp on reality, and that is low vibration.

The vibration, could be said, is a number that shows the accuracy of your world view.

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