Tag Archives: ruminating

Being judged

We are judged all the time. Justly, unjustly, the feeling of being judged is familiar to all of us… and some of us is bothered and paralyzed by it more than others.

What’s painful in being judged is that the judgment contains a kernel of truth (or more) and the other part is the judging themselves: in judging they place themselves above us… simply unbearable to the sensitive Precious “I”.

This story is about my very recent “bout” with being judged… and shows what is on the other side of judgment… how to free yourself from it so it doesn’t sting quite that much… maybe not even at all.

OK, here we go:

If you’ve known me for a while, you know that I don’t do housework, or really shamefully little.
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Is it curiosity or intellectual indigestion?

Input. Output. Is this what they are talking about when they want you to have life-work balance?

We are different in what fill you up…

I get filled up by contemplating.

If and when I don’t have the freedom to contemplate, I start drawing, what I need to give, from nothing.

Contemplating doesn’t make sense at first blush, and yet… there you are.

Some conversations leave me with more in my checks and balances, that I had before the conversation. Others leave me high and dry…

Reading seems like a good way to fill myself up… and yet. Unless the reading material is material for contemplation, it goes straight to fat like food that is undigested.

If you pay attention, I used some magic words that could tell you, direct you to seeing what enriches you and what robs you.

Most people run on just above empty… And yet most people are bloated, flabby, and not agile… lots of undigested stuff… from books, from even courses, conversations, even from calls with me.

Overeating, over-consuming… never digesting.

Contemplation, mulling it over, ruminating is a habit.
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