Tag Archives: Self Actualization

You need to ask this question: Are you Frank or Matt when it comes to your Self-Actualization: Becoming all you can be…

I am republishing this article from four years ago… because even though it doesn’t say “fixed mindset” and “growth mindset” it is about that…

Frank and Matt… the two archetypes of seekers in all areas of life. relationship seekers, weight loss, prosperity, mindset, spirituality… seekers are seekers!
I got an email in my inbox from a marketing teacher of mine today.

I liked the subject line. I followed the link. I found a fascinating article.

It is about marketing, or better said, two types of marketers, two types of seekers of success, one is “Frank” the other is “Matt”.

Frank and Matt are two different types of marketers. But…

The idea of Frank and Matt fits “seekers” to a T. Seekers are exactly matching the two types, they are like Frank and Matt: grabbing for a quick fix or building a path… so I want you to put aside your distaste for marketing and business, and I want you to go over to that site and read it. I mean read every freaking’ word on it. Map it on yourself. See yourself. Get justified or find out how and why you have been mislead.

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Living My Life As An Experiment…

Living my life as an experiment has given me a valuable “to the side and slightly elevated” vantage point.

What does that mean? That while I am in the midst of whatever is going on, whatever is bothering me, I am also viewing it from a point not in the midst of.

Example: My landlord treats me like a dirty rag. That is a sentence from he midst of… From the side I can see that it is his self defense. He is a bad landlord who needs this property to suck the money out of so he and his family can live the way they want to live. I can understand his point of view. It doesn’t mesh well with mine, but such is life. But the dirty rag thing is the figment of my imagination.

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Earl Nightingale spells out the small (tiny) steps method… and everybody misses it

I just listened to this Earl Nightingale talk… eleven minutes or so.

I had never heard it…

It struck me how everything was invented so many times in history… and however many times it was invented, like how to get from where you are to being in the top few percent of the world, millions of people can listen to you and they will miss it.

Why? Because, I think, because opportunity comes in work clothes… Opportunity looks like work. And what people hope opportunity is is like a windfall… it befalls you… lol.

Enjoy the video. Even if you miss it, it is fun to listen.

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Tr. Foundation: Follow Up

Vibrational Review:

One of my commitments to you, is to give you a complete and thorough picture on the state of self-actualization/raising your vibration, self-improvement industry, as truthfully, as honestly as I possibly can. One of the tools I have in my arsenal is muscle testing (kinesiology), and another one is my principle in life: Question Everything. Especially when I have a vested interest in being right… lol

To be able to deliver the truth about Tr.’s programs, I signed up to his monthly enhancement program. One energy submission per month, fifty dollars a pop. Not a bad deal — if it delivers…

Delivers what?

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Life’s real purpose is self-actualization

Self-actualization is the process of becoming all you can become.
Who is to argue that ultimately that is what we all need. Innately!

There are two non-physical needs, according to Margoczi in the Feelings book.

The need to fulfill others’ expectations of us, and
the need to fulfill our own expectations of ourselves. Ultimately, optimally, what we can do… the realistic expectations.

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What do you need to learn to become a Self?

No one looks at Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as showing you what you need to work on next.

And given that only a minuscule percentage of the population ever reaches the higher levels of the needs, that is a stupid thing to do.

You don’t automatically advance to the higher levels, no matter how much “high” desire you have, no matter how empty you feel, how locked in you feel, how much you hate that you are meek, or abused, or have no freedom.

It takes work, courage, and ingenuity. f… RIGHT?

Ingenuity? You surely don’t have that. You can argue, you can fight, you can yell, you can complain, you can run away… but ingenuity? Not something you engage in.
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Come from your strengths… Know Thyself… they say… But there are two approaches to self-actualization with dramatically different outcomes

Self-actualization is the process of becoming all you can become.

Who is to argue that ultimately that is what we all need!
Or if we want to go deeper, that need to self-actualization aka BEING is our soul’s desire… while our ego wants to own, to have and to control the environment, others.
So soul wants you to be… happy, fulfilled, vibrant… and the ego suggests that the path to happiness etc. leads through possession, aka control.
The nature of reality is that everything comes from a root cause… and that is being….

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The four questions…

Humility is the opposite of my soul correction: Forget Thyself.

Every single human, whether they admit it or not, feel above average, and smarter than most everyone… and Forget Thyself is the worst.

It is a daily practice of mine to make myself a learning machine… learn from everyone, including my students.

Humility… it’s actually very hard… you need to give credit where credit is due, and every time, it’s human nature, you experience the marker feelings that come along with comparison: someone is better than me… therefore I must be no good.

And to maintain self-confidence at the same time… really requires the mastery the Playground program promises.
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Explained… the only path to happiness is…

Explained: That is the name of one of my favorite shows on Netflix.

We all walk around with some approximate knowledge of things… we know absolutely nothing exactly, deeply. At best we remember what we read, heard, but that is second hand knowledge. In a world where PhD’s have 7-10% truth value, second hand knowledge is virtually worthless. Even if you had the ability to repeat word for word what they said, your knowledge would be still just 7-10% truth value… sound dismal, doesn’t it?

So we are bumbling idiots in a world that is too big and too complicated, and unpredictable, and fuzzy for our taste… and we bang ourselves up, repeatedly, for no other reason than that we didn’t know.
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