Tag Archives: selling

The art of getting what you want. Learn it! And then USE it!

I really want you to come to my Moneyroots workshop. Now you know.

Does it mean you’ll come?

Given that I am begging… probably not.

But what else can I do?

Well, there is a process… a proven, count-on-able process I have learned 35 years ago… and have been neglecting nowadays… So yeah, there is a process to get you to come to a class I consider important… and whether you come or not is really up to me.

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Let’s distinguish some things that you didn’t know that you didn’t know

I have worked for myself for the past 40 years with a short, three-year stint working for the City of Jerusalem…

But even there, it was both clear and unclear to me that the number one skill to make a living is the ability to sell… in person, on the phone, on a video, or in writing.

In fact… it is not just a skill you need to make a living… it is a skill needed to make a life…

Because either you sell them… or they sell you….
I’d rather be the seller, thank you very much.
Now, why am I telling you this?
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