Tag Archives: size hard drive

How realistic are your expectations? of yourself, of your life, of your brain, or your vibration…

I wrote this article almost five years ago.

Since then I have done a lot of work in the area of intelligence. This article is a lot more mainstream (meaning: wrong) than I like it, so I am in the middle of writing yet another article.

The new article will take out the mystery, why you aren’t able to accomplish what is within your power to accomplish… And what to do so that you can.

By the way, the mainstream lies are in the illustrations… Can you catch them? (Hint: fixed mindset?)

OK, here is the original article: This article will burst your bubble… so if you are not interested, don’t read it. Just leave now, while you are ahead… Now, I said. I don’t want hate mail… OK?

I had an interesting coaching session yesterday. I spoke words I thought were dangerous and inflammatory. Turned out that instead they inspired. I am still stunned…

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Breath is access to Soul, to all-of-it, your higher self. Finding the blockages in breath and eliminating them

Nearly all of humanity is infected with the mind virus. Slowly we constitute our whole self and our whole world as our minds, unawares that we are several magnitudes more powerful than the mind… and by mind I mean the storage device of the brain, not the whole brain.

When I ask people on the calls to watch their breathing, or look for blockages, without exception they hold their breath: the mind tells them to do so. Why would the mind do that? Like all virus it is only interested in perpetuating itself, and when you are asked to watch or observe, accidentally! you might access your witness, your Observer, and then you will see the mind for what it is: a pea size hard drive able to do search and compare, and that’s it.

That is the part, that pea size hard drive that you have been asking to run your life effectively.

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