Tag Archives: soul correction

Why Should I Have To… They Should Just Give It To Me…

Do you have this attitude? It sounds something like this: why should I have to work so hard, pay attention, ask for it, earn it, dress up, look good, do well, get a degree, read that book, do my homework… they should just give it to me, because I am pretty, I was good last week, I am already tired…

I got lucky today. I have been playing the Self-discipline activator, and it must work wider than that, or maybe this is the point, but my awareness is over the top. I notice stuff about myself that I never knew I had.

This is how I caught this attitude, the killer of all results, and the genesis of a lot of grumpy, disgruntled people’s anger.

I knew about one aspect of it for a long time. As a business woman I have had this attitude that people should just buy from me because my product is good, without me having to tell them it’s good, without me having to sell it.

It never worked, of course. But I thought that I was over it.

But core issues have a way of shape-shifting, and coming back dressed so different, you don’t recognize it’s the same issue. Or they go underground.

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The Secret To Attaining A Good Self-Image and Self-Esteem

The Secret To Attaining A Good Self-Image and Self-Esteem

Remember, that the more you like yourself the better you like your life? But did you know that you don’t like yourself, because you disappointed yourself?

When you are down in the dumps, and you try to pick yourself up, the experts say that you should do some juicy affirmations. But the truth is, that you know you are lying, so the affirmations don’t do you any good, in fact they erode the little self-esteem you have.

Your soul, your “real self” doesn’t approve of lying, doesn’t approve of cheating, doesn’t approve of stealing, and the like.

Our outward directed attention gives us the mistaken impression that if the world likes us, if we are outwardly successful, then we’ll like ourselves.

Unfortunately for most of us, the outward success doesn’t do anything for your self-esteem, and for your liking your life. It is the inward work that matters.

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Is the Soul-Correction Workshop Stairway to Heaven?

Is the Soul-Correction Workshop Stairway to Heaven?

We’ll first need to distinguish all the elements of the above question, otherwise we are going to be like two trains passing each other: not on the same track.

Let me hold no secrets from you:
soul correction is at the root of you raising your vibration. Nothing else. You conquering, one-by-one your shadow…
So let’s look at the distinctions:
What is Soul-Correction? It’s a set of set behaviors and attitudes that are out of vibrational alignment with how it is, a distortion in perception of reality

What is a workshop? Workshops are interactive. There is no actual material delivered, except when some explanation of distinctions is necessary in order to understand what’s happening. In my workshops I coach participants publicly while others listen. I make it as interactive as I can, and I demand attention, at least raising your hand by pushing a button on your computer. If you join the workshop (webinar) from a phone or ipad, you can type “yes” when others raise their hands.

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Self-Respect Is The Key To A Great Life: When You Like Yourself You Like Your Life

Respect means two things: the original meaning: double take, and the new, politically correct meaning: honor.

I will mean the original meaning in this article: the act of looking again. Because when you first looked, the past got into your eyes. You saw what you expected to see, you saw how it used to be, how you saw it before, you saw it in a way that rendered your relationship with it stuck, and your life as well.

What you hold true, about yourself, about your loved ones, about other people, individually and as others grouped together, about life, about work, about what is good and what is bad, gives you a certain world, and for the purposes of this article we’ll call it your paradigm.

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Beyond brain health: What robs you of the ability to make astute decisions?

Astute, astuteness has a bad reputation… so do the words: selling, ambitious… or taking care of yourself. But it is unjust, in fact it is against Life.

But, unfortunately, we live in an age where being selfless seems like a virtue… but it isn’t a virtue, it is imposed upon us.

It is stupid and a learned ‘value’…

The best people in the world are selfish…

Selfish… meaning: they take care of themselves… instead of hoping that others will be selfless and take care of them. And then they can contribute… from being well and being taken care of.

No matter how many times people understand, on airplanes, that when the oxygen masks are dropped at them, they should put on their own first… and then assist others… Because they see it there, but the ability to see it everywhere would require a wider cone of vision than they have… Take care of yourself first doesn’t live like a distinction, it lives as an example that is true on airplanes. Continue reading Beyond brain health: What robs you of the ability to make astute decisions?

Why it is normal to be miserable: the itch you are trying to scratch

The consolation prize you get, instead of a rich and fulfilling life

We all have it… unnoticed, unidentified, undistinguished, sneaking past your conscious awareness, the strings that make you a puppet on a string, robbing you of your life, using it for its own purposes… laughing at you. I can hear the laugh.

The racket. The insidious, ubiquitous racket.

It is a machine… and it is powered by an unfulfilled and unfillable desire, I call The Itch… the itch that cannot be scratched.

The desire for attention, for significance, for winning every transaction, for love, for filling your gaping hole inside. Continue reading Why it is normal to be miserable: the itch you are trying to scratch

What is a soul correction and why should you care?

It seems that the body of a human is a vehicle for two “entities”, the Selfish Gene and the soul.

The Selfish Gene… that is only interested in preserving itself… the genetic material, even if and even while the family, the environment, the world is destroyed. Selfish gene is our physical nature, our lower self, and it is not very smart, has no foresight, none of the higher functions a human supposedly has. It has no interest even in the 160 spiritual capacities: in fact it considers them a nuisance, a hindrance. The Selfish gene is a brute.

The uncorrected soul, the soul you are born with, is the soul with an aberration. It has a behavior or a set of behaviors that are slanted towards ego.

The soul’s counterpart is the ego, not the Selfish Gene. Continue reading What is a soul correction and why should you care?