Tag Archives: split personality

Your life story is like a black hole. Your Bach profile

Your tendency is to remember the story. Not what happened but your story. And to tell the story in a predictable manner… always the same way, always showing you in the same role, the same exact way.

A story is a narrative of reality. It talks from one particular vantage point, and therefore it is distorted. Always. Inherently so.

Your tendency is to remember the story in a way that agrees with your soul correction.

Soul correction, it could be said, is this slant of reality that lets you get away with murder, lies, laziness, blaming, simply said: being less than giving your best.

My story can be summed up with three elements: a hero succeeding in the face of incredible odds, and also complaining: “no matter what I do… I can’t this or that”. And the third: I don’t know if I can trust myself.

Almost succeeding, but never doing things long enough, hard enough, to actually succeed. Why? Because it would kill the story.

Also, I need enemies. I need disease. I need bugs… to fight heroically and almost succeed.

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The key to the evolution of the human species finally discovered…

This article: I started to write this article yesterday, before a class… I wanted to use the class to get some more “meat” into the issue… The class went different: it, instead, magically took me to the root of all misery, and to the evolutionary issues of humanity, and to the question: can evolution be caused? Triggered?

In a lot of ways this has been a question, I think, for a long time. People that were ahead of their time asked this question, in one way or another.

So far there haven’t been any successful attempts at causing evolution. There are fairy tales of some incidents, but muscle test shows that they are just that: fairy tales.

One of them is the story of the Hundredth Monkey: the story tries to illustrate evolution, but it makes many mistakes in its setup, and shows a deep lack of understanding of how it all works, how evolution works.

So, I am trying my hand on this thing that no one has ever succeeded before, but my approach is different from others’ which doesn’t mean I’ll succeed, but it is worth testing.

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The courage to be yourself, Your TRUE self

I had an insight yesterday that was completely driven home today by my guidance system.

We see something, and then it’s gone.

It is gone, and it didn’t have time or a receiver to impart the important learning in what we saw.

This happens with such frequency, that we stop paying attention to our inner guidance, our bodies talking to us… 

We see the the feeling for a moment from the corner of our consciousness, and the guidance is lost… again.

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