Tag Archives: strategy

The curse of being clever… Painting yourself into a corner

As I have said before: I play Freecell, a solitaire, to take me below the visible… all the time.

This morning I did a clever move… a few minutes later I saw that the clever move in fact painted me in a corner.

And that is, surprisingly, true about cleverness. At least if you use the word correctly… a rare phenomenon really… using words correctly.
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How will increasing the accuracy of your vocabulary lead you to a fuller experience of life, joy, purpose?

Yesterday I had a conversation where I had a number of opportunities to see how and what way your unclarity, your vocabulary, shows up, not as a theory, but as a reality.

How it prevents you from seeing reality, or hearing what is being said.

It was somewhat new to me, so if it was new to me, it will be really new to you.

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Tactic or strategy… growth or stagnation… even descent… choose!

My notes:
If you feel like you want to transcribe this audio and let me have it, please do so. I’ll appreciate it and you’ll learn ton from it.

Miko transcribed this audio: thank you very much, Miko!

This post is going to be about something really important. If I look at all the people that contact me, all the people that I teach, all the people that I know, they have no idea about it, and even I am just starting to scratch the surface. I mean, maybe I am years ahead of you, but even that is just scratching the surface.

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Why is it that you cannot see the strategy, only the tactic… if even that? If so: What else can’t you see?

Life is a game… a game is something where it is predefined what is better than something else. What is winning.

In golf the ball in the cup is better than outside of it.

In basketball: the ball in the basket, in tennis the ball staying in the air longer, in bridge the higher score, in Freecell: the empty board.

In business more profits, money that stays in your pocket, is better than less.

In love, being loved is better than not to be loved.

Sun Tsu (The Art of War on Wikipedia, read The_Art_Of_War pdf) said:
“All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.”

So the fact that YOU cannot see the strategy is not an exception, it is more like the rule.

Losing is also defined, either as trying but not winning, or not playing at all.

In the psychopath segment, was it yesterday? feels like a whole week passed, I am talking about the Jewish strategy for survival of the tribe: education. Deep looking, curiosity, inquiry, discussion, diligence, and… not lastly, the principle of marrying a spouse with whom to spawn the next generation… for the survival of the tribe.

If you missed that part, in the video, go back and watch, only three minutes long.

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What’s your strategy? Do you have one?

What’s your strategy?

This is the most important question to ask yourself if you want to build a business, expand a business, or change a business. Or if you want to accomplish anything really… anything that requires more steps and more time that just making your bed in the morning.

What is a strategy?

According to the dictionary: a plan of action to achieve a major or overall aim or result

Strategy is essentially the bridge between where you are and your vision.

It’s also a narrative that takes the listener from how it is now through what it takes to get to the fulfillment of the plan: expanding, balding or changing the business or a project.

Unless it is clear for the listener that the actions listed in the narrative will surely get the speaker to the role, the likelihood of the goal to be accomplished is between zero and none. You can be both the speaker and the listener in this.
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Why, in spite of a good process you are taught, you don’t live a transformed life?

So I am listening to the “itch” calls from 2014, and I am mortified at the level of transformation… It is near zero.
Sometimes I put the cart in front of the horse…
The insight (the horse) on the two selves that unless they become a team, no transformation can happen, came since I did those amazing Itch calls in 2014… so no wonder that the results are missing…

What am I talking about?

Your machine, your particular machine, was built based on an incident. Or better said: a decision you made by you (or accepted about yourself) as a child.

So far so good… but the process doesn’t stop there.
There is a series of “therefores”… behaviors, that come from that early decision, and all of them are ugly. Fake. Pretentious. All try to fix what wasn’t true to begin with.
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The chip on your shoulder — taking it off and keeping it off

As I am preparing to lead the Inner Authority Course, I see the need to dig deeper and deeper into the morass of human misery so that I can dig you out of there. I have tools, but I want more. And more. And more.

It is not about getting myself out of misery: I am already 70% “clear” of misery… and that is a blissful place, but it took me 34 years, so far, and I don’t know many people who are willing to work on themselves that long… I did it because I was soooo miserable. Continue reading The chip on your shoulder — taking it off and keeping it off