Tag Archives: superiority

Can someone you consider your equal be your teacher? Your coach?

Can someone you consider your equal be your teacher? Your coach?

This question has been coming up for me with some students. And one-by-one I let them go.

When I coach someone, and they answer: good idea! I know they have no respect for me.

Saying “good idea!” indicates that you could have come up with the same thing… that someone needs nothing beyond what you know and what you have, to say what they said, to suggest what they suggested.

This, in the normal course of events, tells me: it is time to cut the connection: there is nothing more I can do here: there is no willingness to be humble on the part of the student.

You could say: I have to earn their respect… but if I haven’t thus far, chances are I never will.

It all boils down to humility.
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