Tag Archives: the big picture

Stuck? Playing a small game? Waiting for a miracle? Get unstuck using my methods

Some people are motivated (put into motion) by negative emotions, like fear, hate, refusing something with so much energy that it finally puts them in motion: until then they cannot get unstuck.

Other people are motivated by accomplishment, joy, love, freedom, or some other positive event or emotion.

The problem is how to crank up the energy of the emotion, negative or positive, so there is enough energy in it to put you in motion, to get unstuck.

The enemy of any forward movement is complacency, cynicism, resignation. These are real strong energies. If we wanted to express their effect, they are like a ton of weight on the see-saw. If you want to make the see-saw move, you need to pile up the weight on the other side.

Most people leave this to chance, hope that something will move them from dead center to get unstuck.

Other people cause breakdowns to get unstuck.

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Appearences are only skin deep: the truth is hidden deep under the surface

This is from the Kabbalah daily tuneup… very timely, given that we are dealing nowadays with pretenses, deception, lying, and all that fun stuff.
Clothes Do Not Make the Man

Wisdom comes to us clothed in illusion. If we want to be wise, then we must see into a situation. Just like we don’t judge a person only by what they’re wearing – or do we – we have to look at every little incident and ask why. Why did this good or bad thing happen? Why?

Sometimes we will not know what the reason is, but keep searching, because the clothes do not make the man. There’s always something underneath.
In raising your vibration, you are fighting a losing battle if you are trying to maintain a facade, if you are trying to bring people’s attention to your successes, and keep mum about your failures, shortcomings, and character defects.

There is no way you can raise your vibration if

Your actions are outward directed, if your attention is on the effect, instead on the action. Just like multi-tasking is an illusion, you can only have your attention at any one place at any one time. Why? Because the laws of physics is a law: your attention is physical, and it cannot be somewhere else if it is here… can it?When you multi-task, it is easier to see the ineffectiveness of the strategy: your intelligence is 50-70% reduced, and you either make mistakes or you never finish what you started.I once had a teacher who swore to multi-tasking. She was a self-diagnosed ADD, and she said that for ADD multi-tasking is heaven. Except… except that she is a veritable underachiever. For a guru, that is a very bad thing… but even for you, you’d hate to be called an underachiever, wouldn’t you?

So, when your attention is directed on the effects of your action, your power is not fully behind your actions, and you are weak, a limp d… as we say it in our courses.

One of my students admitted yesterday that she tries to do as little as she can and get the most. That is the path to diminishing returns: and her results show it. She is going backwards.
If you look at the world out there to give you guidance, or if you look into your mind to give you guidance to understand, accurately, what is going on, to understand the hidden motives of people, you are closed, you are poised to repeat past performance. If it was miserable, or poor, that is what you are going to repeat. If it was good, you’ll use actions that were appropriate then, but aren’t appropriate now, and you are going to fail, or at least not succeed to the degree you could.

Only when you hang back and approach incidents from your intelligence (which doesn’t live in your mind, by the way) that you will be able to see the big picture, the cause and effect, and act appropriately.

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I love you but… You are rude on the calls! heaven?

Be Nice! I love you but…
You are rude on the calls, where is the Heaven on Earth that you promise?

From My Mailbox:

I already love you and care for you because i can feel your heart…way big. The challenge is that the ego is still getting in the way of your delivering the Heaven on Earth and your special talents bringing down energy.
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Are You Jinxing Your Success or Expressing Gratitude?

Are You Jinxing Your Success By Sharing About It?
There is a curious phenomenon, that sounds really counter intuitive. It also sounds counter to the teachings of teachers that teach how to become prosperous, etc.
The phenomenon is as follows:
You have a little bit of success. So quickly you tell everyone about it. You write home about it. You celebrate. Then you watch as it dissipates, fizzles out, goes away. Flash in the pan.
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Are you willing to become a prosperous “neighborhood”?

I republished an article, that is as important as anything you’ll ever learn, if you wanted to live a life of an expanding human being…

Response when I first published it: no echo. Response this time: no echo. Nobody heard it. Nobody saw it. Nobody was interested.
The article is pinpointing the reason why you have what you have, and not what you want to have.
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Are you a soul-less human? Are reptilian influences real?

This is a long article, and a work in progress… I am still working out this whole issue: I guess it is my life’s work. So if occasionally I don’t make sense, cut me some slack, will you? If I jump around… please just know that eventually I’ll say what I need to say, and I’ll make sense.

The reason humanity (and your life) looks the way it looks is because you are a coward.
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5 Characteristics Of Grit — How Many Do You Have?

Reprinted from Forbes…

Recently some close friends visited, both of whom have worked in education with adolescents for over 40 years. We were talking about students in general and when I asked what has changed with regards to the character of kids, in unison they said “grit” – or more specifically, lack thereof. There seems to be growing concern among teachers that kids these days are growing soft.

When I took a deeper dive, I found that what my friends have been observing in-the-field, researchers have been measuring in the lab. The role grit plays in success has become a topic du jour, spearheaded by Angela Duckworth, who was catapulted to the forefront of the field after delivering a TED talk which has since been viewed well over a million times.

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On Synergy, On Guidance, On Power, On Being A New Christ

Most people I talk with on the phone. I have hundreds of hours of audios of my phone conversations. One day I’ll publish them. But this correspondence was in email: it’s a simple copy and paste, and you can learn from it. I promise. Warning: if you are a Christian, this correspondence will be offending to you. I have warned you!

Tim to me:
How do I get to the point where I understand the power I have and can use it for effective use?

My answer to Tim:

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Heroism vs. incremental process: choosing will choose your life for you

I just read an article on our mindset, collective mindset, where you wait until something goes really wrong and then you seek out help. It’s here in pdf form… for your convenience. incremental-medicine

This is the mindset that will move you out of trouble and towards a successful life in every area of your life, health, wealth, love, and happiness.

But this is not how you live. You live your life campaigning.

Anything that doesn’t require drama, heroism, anything that is not over the top is ignored, poo-pooed, looked down upon. In every area of life. By you, and by “them”. You dream of being a billionaire while your bills aren’t paid. You dream of a private jet while your credit cards are maxed out. You dream of being a rock star while you haven’t been able to play one song well.

You don’t know, or you ignore the cause of your misery, and then you need rescuing.
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Why aren’t the gurus happy? Smile but in hell inwardly?

There are two categories of gurus:

they actually have something to offer that is valuable… or had at some point.
they never had anything to offer, they are pretenders, fake, marketeers

I will address only the first group throughout this article… why bother writing about the ones that have nothing and had nothing… ever.

Now, if you had something of value to offer: why would you live in hell? Especially if the “product” you sell is how to happy, how to be prosperous, how to be connected, well, blah blah blah.

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