Tag Archives: the big picture

Bioelectric shield, Q-link and other gadget… a review. What works?

Bio-electric shield and other gadget… a review

A students says:
Sophie, have you ever find a review of the Bio-electric Shield? It is a disk-shaped pendant that contains some quartz crystals. I had one for 15 years, and it was like my best friend. It seemed to he very attuned to my energy. When I first tried it on, I could only wear it for a few minutes. Then longer and longer.

It kind of fell apart and I lost it around the time I started working with you. Maybe its work was done.
I have tried Q-link, a variation to bio-electric shield. That was before I knew I was an empath. I only knew that other people’s energy was interfering with mine…

I hated it.

Now, I don’t know how it works, I don’t know why it works, but I’ll tell you what I think is the truth about any of these trainable circuits:

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What is the work to become an Expanding Human Being? A case study

The sentence I hear only occasionally, is “But what is the work?”

It is not because it is not a question that concerns many, it is because you are trained to know the answer, or at least pretend that you do.

I didn’t realize this until yesterday. I did not connect the dots… I didn’t see the forest for the trees.

What woke me up and made me see the big picture was an email from a new student.

And that, in spite of the fact that I had an opinion about her, a judgment, if you wish, that she talks to much and listens little.

Some of the time my attitude and my opinion matched πŸ™ when I didn’t see that my opinion is a mind chatter, and that I can create my attitude freely.

Other times I had an attitude of service, in spite of my opinion of her predisposition to talk a lot.

And then the miracle happened. She started to ask clarifying questions, and… GASP! started to do the work.

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Soul Correction: The Big Picture

Soul Correction: The Big Picture

Your cone of vision is so narrow, that you cannot even see that you are not your mind, that you are not your ego, that you are not your body, that you are not your past, that you are not your desires.

In that narrow beam of a pen-light every moment you are somebody different, identifying with a different aspect of you… and there is no YOU… You have no core, you have no substance, you are just a pen light…

We all live as if we could see reality, but we are wrong. We walk around with a narrow cone of vision, never considering the environment, the context, other people’s life, thoughts, history, emotions, we walk around if there were no one else but us, nothing else but what we see.

Everything that is outside of the narrow cone of vision that we actually see, is black and white and all shades of gray: no color. We have no details, and we never look there.

We can’t see the forest for the trees, we never see cause and effect, and we never own up to the fact that we never even attempt to see the big picture.

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What is the opposite of entitled?

Every generation is more entitled than the previous one. Why? Let me explain…
If appreciative is the opposite of entitled… does that mean that all those people who are not appreciative are entitled?

Entitled is a worldview. It is a ground-of-being phenomenon, invisible, like the floor. An unexamined truth. To you. But for the other, it is quite obvious…

So how do you know that you are not appreciative? that you are entitled?

This is how:

Even when you thank someone, they frown…
You may even be diligent in thanking someone, you may even feel a stab of thankfulness, but those thanks are the waves on the waters, not the bottom of the sea… The bottom of your sea is entitlement.

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On being a good loser: Why that attitude may be the key to being able to change?

Summary: Being a good loser is an attitude. A pleasant one at that. But what is that all about, and why should you care?

Being a good loser, moment by moment, not be tightened up by momentary losses, is the quality that allows someone to play to win, instead of play not to lose

Bruce Lee said, I paraphrase: “Be formless … shapeless, like water.” Water flows, and is irresistible. It never gets stuck, it is never anxious… it just gets the job done… flow in the direction of gravity.

My goal is to turn you into water, elegant, effortless, flowing. And Expanding Human Being.

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More Water Energizer Reviews… more are on the way

Awesome, matchless taste! When you drink it, the water slides down the throat easily and leaves a sweetish after-taste in the mouth. And you want more and more of it… My husband tasted it too and said: It’s pure water!

Also, I feel light, tiny tingling along my spine and in the fingertips each time I drink it. I used it for everything: tea, coffee, soup, washing the vegetables, even for rinsing my hair – it gets nice shine. Did an experiment with a cabbage: I cut slightly its root, put it in a zip-lock bag, poured some of the energized water on it, put it in the fridge and after a while it became more crispy and less stringy…

Great work, teacher!

Thank you,
Matsa, Serbia (Eastern Europe)

PS: I put the Water Energizer audio on a small mp3 player that has a shuffle/repeat function, this is Eclipse, much like the ipod shuffle, just cheaper. This way I don’t have to use my pc.

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Emotional Intelligence: learning what emotions are…

Given that I go deep with humans… deep inside… deep into the invisible… all the way to DNA, this article is different than what everyone says… so beware…
Ultimately emotional intelligence means: interfacing with reality accurately.
REAL emotional intelligence is when you can look at what emotions you feel, and not be guided by that emotion.

You have no control over your emotions. You can test it… try to be happy… OK now try to be sad… You may fake the facial expression, but what you feel is now that…

Emotional intelligence is to consider your emotions noise. Really. And instead of looking in your emotions to know what’s going on, look in REALITY… Emotions all come from something you consciously or unconsciously say… not from reality.

Why? Because what you say has nothing to do with reality… what you say comes from your worldview… which is a very grossly inaccurate image of reality.

I am getting in deeply with this whole idea that you can be emotionally intelligent or not.

And have zoomed in on a spiritual/DNA capacity (The Sight capacity) that when kept alive, when used, it provides you with a significant jump in your emotional intelligence, or EQ.

It seems that the biggest problem is that you are not looking at people and even if you think you are looking, you are only looking for what you think you can recognize… like a smile or a frown… but that is where you stop.

And if you ‘misdiagnose’ what you see, your response to it will be NOT emotionally intelligent, in fact it will be a false step.
Your life will be full of disappointments, upsets, and not much success, neither in your work, nor in your relationships. Or money. Or health.
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Immersion learning, Holographic reading: the secret of billionaires…

Holographic learning: the only way to human being level

I am reading a book I don’t like. I was told by Source to read it… and I think I found the one sentence (so far) in the 700 page book that I needed to read. One sentence…
Reading, when it creates a world, a rich world to live in, to accomplish in, is holographic. Each book sharpens some area, fills in the missing or fuzzy details.
This one sentence has been that kind of a sentence. It was like a Flash of lightening.
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What will you do if the economy tanks? If the trouble you are afraid of actually happens?

I have a wide cone of vision (I see the big picture) in most issues regarding “the economy.” Maybe because both my parents were economists? Who knows.

But having a wide cone of vision, especially in this arena, has its advantages.

People call me to find out, if their personal experience is indicative of a personal issue, or if it just feels that way.

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Giving permission to yourself to feel what you REALLY feel is strong medicine

We live in a “fix-it” culture. Doctors, chiropractors, coaches, husbands, parents (especially mothers) are all about fixing what’s wrong with you. No wonder that you relate to everything that is going on with you as something to fix.

What is part of the “fix-it” culture, and is hidden behind it, but gives it the context, is that what is going on is INTOLERABLE, and MUST BE FIXED.

It feels like an imperative… like a straightjacket.

What is the problem with fixing stuff?

Let’s look at the action of fixing from a different point of view: what is your cone of vision when you are looking to fix something?


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