Tag Archives: the hartman value profile

How to Be the Type of Person Everyone Wants to Know

Here is an article that has truth in it, but not the whole truth. The article is a typical psychological take on a human condition… and is incomplete.
Here is an example of what a 7% truth value is, and what is missing to make it acceptable… and no, a 7% truth value is not acceptable.
I am going to attempt to add some of my own discoveries… to bring it up to a higher, hopefully much higher level of truth value…

First: read the article. I felt horrible reading it, because it made me feel bad about myself. Not many people consider me good company… so I definitely don’t qualify to being the type of person everyone wants to know.

At the same time my fixed mindset is only 7%… so what’s going on?

I’ll explain after the article… but first read it, OK?
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Who am I and what gives me the right to write about Kabbalah

Good question, right? You were just about asking that… Gotcha!

OK, simple question, simple answer.

First I tell you what I am not:

I am not a Kabbalist. Kabbalists study, practice, and teach Kabbalah full time, for many many years. It could be even said that being a Kabbalist is like an insider… you need to be appointed.
I am not a teacher of Kabbalah
I am not a guru
I am not someone who knows a lot about Kabbalah but doesn’t live it.

OK, then what am I?
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Do You Think You Can Tell WHAT You See?

Most of us are sure we can. We make decisions based on what we see, and our decisions and actions take us to live the life we live.

Most of us live a life of quiet desperation. It was true at the turn of the last century, and it is true now.

There was a discipline and coaching paradigm I studied and used about 9 years ago. It is based on axiology, the Nobel Prize nominated work of Robert Hartman.

Axiology is the study of value or quality. It is the science that deals with what is good and what is not. Beyond and independent of subjective judgment.

The test (Value Profile) we ran in axiology had 4 parameters by which we could map out the potential for success of any individual.

One of them relates to the title. The parameter is called “clarity”.

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A is A. Aristotle was right. Ayn Rand was right. And we have been all wrong.

A is A.

We behave as if that were not true, if we yell loud enough, if we assert our claims enough, if we pretend that it’s a mistake, etc.

I see it on clients, students all the time.

I did a Bach profile for a brand new person this morning. His “linchpin” Bach Energy is the Peacock. Peacock is one of these “I deserve to be beautiful because I eat poisonous berries for breakfast, lunch and dinner.” It is the 40th Bach Energy® Dr. Edward Bach didn’t find before he died. I did. I also found the Yew… #39. The toxic person. Desire to receive for the self alone…

If they listened to themselves they would say:… Are you crazy? Stop eating that stuff, it will kill you!

But no, they feel like a hero doing what they are doing. But they are dead, deadened heroes.

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