Tag Archives: the racket

He got some last night… yes. But how would you know it?

I have been wondering if I could tell if a person can be trained or not. What would I see that would tell me yes or no?

I watched a little Grantchester on Amazon Prime yesterday. In one of those episodes the vicar gets laid. His pal almost instantly knows.

A few years ago I saw a woman come out of the hotel elevator in Las Vegas. To me she looked like she had always looked, but a man in our group instantly knew she just got laid.

I verified it with her… But how did he know?
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Have the ‘why bother?’ attitude? A Big C symptom

I overslept this morning. Whenever you oversleep, or allow comfort to set in, something sinister happens in the invisible.

Your brain takes your behavior as an instruction that you want to practice for death.

You could call it hibernation, but it is only hibernation if that is what you meant to do. Otherwise it is the state where there is no future.

The first signs are hopelessness. There is no hope. There is no future. Just blah.
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You live in a machine. The machine lives your life for you

You live in a machine. The machine lives your life for you

But don’t feel suddenly innocent… you are running this machine as much as this machine is running you.

We could maybe even say: what is your vibration? Your vibration depends on to what degree this machine is running you and your life. The more often it does the lower your vibration.
The only real enemy of this machine is responsibility…
Without responsibility, at this time, and maybe forever, the machine is running unimpeded.
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Equality: All men are created equal… true or false?

All men are created equal. That is the design. Whether you are a Bible reader, where The Book of Genesis says that when God created the world, God created humanity ‘in the Divine Image.’ or you look at the DNA and see that all humans have essentially the same DNA… we are equal, but some people are more equal than others… fffffff! Right?

This is going to be a post/article I am thinking through as I am writing it. I don’t already know what will come out of it.

It is not meant to be racist, elitist, or anything like that. It is meant to be looking what is the truth about that statement in the Declaration of Independence, and what it means to you.

I consider every person a person… so to me all men are a person… and yet, I measure stuff about them, and I hold the idea that the underlying design, the DNA is the same in all.

Hah… and therein lies the mischief.
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