Tag Archives: there is nothing wrong with you

What determines how you and your life turn out?

What is the mechanism of the machine that you are, that is used to define your actions, your moods, your attitude?

As I said in a few previous articles, your actions, your thoughts, your moods, your attitudes will be correlated with what you see.

The two sides:

what you see, or the way the world occurs to you

your actions, your thoughts, your moods, your attitudes: your world

the two sides are like the front of the hand and the back of the hand, connected, inseparable, but yet distinct.
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The two types of truth testing… are you asking the body or the soul?

Yesterday I accidentally was lead to a year and a half old article of mine. I was stunned. I didn’t remember writing that article. It was the best article I have ever published… 100% channeled.

It was about the difference between asking-your-body type of muscle testing, and the asking-Source type of muscle testing.

Every nutritionist, chiropractor, etc. ask your body.
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Is calling that fuzzy feeling, that uplifting feeling, what the love gurus meant for us to be? The love they say god is?

I don’t think so.

I think no person in their right mind would think that god, whatever that may be, is sitting there loving you up… feeling love.

So what does that make you? A person not in their right mind? Exactly.

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Great guidance for today: The secret of change…

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.
When I came across that quote while surfing the Web, I felt that it jibed perfectly with the astrological omens that are currently in play for you.
Every website I consulted agreed that the speaker of this wisdom was Socrates, but I thought the language sounded too contemporary to have been uttered by a Greek philosopher who died 2,400 years ago. After a bit of research, I found the real source: a character named Socrates in *Way of the Peaceful Warrior,* a New Age self-help book by Dan Millman.
I hope this doesn’t dilute the impact of the quote for you. For now, it is crucial that you not get bogged down in quarreling and brawling. You need to devote all your energy to creating the future.
This jives really well with my newest activator that says: there is nothing wrong with you and therefore there is nothing to change…

You need to have the harmonize activator before you become eligible for this advanced activator.

Why? Because without the harmonize you can’t direct your attention, you are probably totally unconscious. This new activator needs you to get conscious…
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Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

You live in a world of your own design… Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

Your own design is like a filter you look through. You can’t see the filter, just like you don’t see the window unless you touch it…
A filter is like a pair of glasses…
A filter is also like a pair of glasses… They can be dark tinted, they can be yellow, green… and the world occurs differently with each pair of glasses. You can’t see that it’s the glasses that make the world look the way the world looks to you… unless you can take it off…

You can see only the ripples. The indication that there is something there…

It’s the ripples that we don’t like… we don’t like the things we do, the things we think, the things we feel. We want to change the ripples. But the ripples are the surface of the iceberg… hidden, invisible…
But you can’t change something that you don’t know. You can’t change something that you don’t see.
We all want to reinvent ourselves, our world. Because what we have now is not working too well, not serving us too well. We can’t have what we want, and we suffer.

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Great guidance for today: The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

When I came across that quote while surfing the Web, I felt that it jibed perfectly with the astrological omens that are currently in play for you.

Every website I consulted agreed that the speaker of this wisdom was Socrates, but I thought the language sounded too contemporary to have been uttered by a Greek philosopher who died 2,400 years ago. After a bit of research, I found the real source: a character named Socrates in *Way of the Peaceful Warrior,* a New Age self-help book by Dan Millman.

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Life is like a waterfall. It is exhilarating when you are in it, crushes you when you get in the way.

Life is like a waterfall. It is exhilarating when you are in it, crushes you when you get in the way.

Life, your life, is the way it is… you have what you have, you do what you do, it looks the way it looks.

The problem is not with life, not even with your life. The problem is with the questions that you ask.

In my free webinars we list areas of our lives that don’t work well. When we look, there is one common denominator in all of the student’s issues, and that is the questions that they ask.

We, humanity, think that questions are just questions, and the don’t make much of a difference.

The truth is, that the question you ask will be more important than the answers you seek.

With regards to our lives, we mostly ask why questions. Why am I the way I am, why can’t I…? Why doesn’t he love me? Why do I procrastinate? Why don’t I love my life?

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