Tag Archives: Thousands Of Dollars

Create a life you love

Oh no! This video software that used to work doesn’t work any more. I cried out… This can happen to anyone. Technology changes so rapidly, keeping pace with it is both expensive and time consuming.

Sometimes there is an upgrade. Nowadays upgrades cost money… or the software developer simply abandoned you… and you are stranded with a software that doesn’t work any more.

I have been teaching what I teach for seven years. Teach people a world view that has been tested and true, and includes the invisible. This world view is sharply different from the accepted norms… but it works, instead of just being a nice theory like what psychologists and philosophers teach. Or even Landmark Education… or the Kabbalah Centre… or any of the gurus.
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What is the vibrational frequency of money?

What is the vibrational frequency of money? And how do you match it so you can have lots of money?
It was an email in one of my throwaway email accounts. an email from Stephanie Mulac. She claims that she can cause you to have a vibrational jump. so you too can attract money to your heart’s desire.

So I checked her vibration, and it is 100… Maybe she is bathing in money, but 99% of humanity doesn’t… 100, the same as her, is the average vibration on the planet right now.
I understand you want more money.
It seems that money is the solution for all that ails you. boredom, lack of direction, lack of joy. lack of meaning. your weight, your low income, your drudgery called your job, if you even have one.

The other day a dude came to one of my webinars from this very article. He is in pest control, but he wants to be a big guy. if I remember correctly, he wants to own a music agency and make a killing.

You too, you say? That is why you are asking about the vibrational frequency of money. Because you read somewhere that like attracts like, and if you could become like money, you could attract money. Right?

This video is about creating high vibration so you can have what you want, not just a big ego:
Find out more about this magic manifestation method >>>
What you read is b.s. Someone is trying to sell you something.

Money is an exchange value. Unless you have some value to trade for it, value for the buyer, money isn’t going to be exchanged.

Of course if you are employing the lottery approach to life, you want to win money. If You want to find money, then you are at the wrong place. I teach people here to have, to create, to offer more value to trade. to be worth a damn so they can do more, be more, contribute more. Earn more.

The vibration of money, the smell of money, the color of money have nothing to do with it. Their vibration, on the other hand, is a good predictor how much money they will make.
The higher vibration you have, and it’s a number, the higher earning power you have.
I measure this number. And to help people to see where and what they need to focus on, i.e. what’s missing so their vibration gets higher, I provide and measure a whole slew of numbers, called the Starting Point Measurements.

Because just knowing one number is quite useless… you have no idea how to raise it from just one number.

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Pathways To Gratitude

Pathways To Gratitude

Acknowledging source is a great way to get to gratitude… And ‘they’ say that Gratitude Is The Activator Of The Law Of Attraction, or what I’d prefer to call it: receiving for the sake of sharing.

The purpose of this article is to introduce to you another way to access and activate receiving for the sake of sharing. Receiving respect, energy, love, anything.

I am not only talking about acknowledging the source of a quote or an idea… although it is important.

I once had a friend who was irked by my constant acknowledgment of where the ideas, the knowledge, the technique came from, instead of just pretending they are all mine. I instinctively knew this is why she was dirt poor… Continue reading Pathways To Gratitude