Tag Archives: Tree Of Knowledge

How you can get back Your Harmony, Flow And Grace

How You Lost Your Harmony, Flow And Grace

If You Have Lost Them, How To Get Them Back
What is this article about?
It is about how the mind is an aberration, how it is like a cancer, how it enrolls you, makes you lose your harmony, flow and grace

This article will need me to distinguish a few things, for you.

Please bear with me: it will be worth it.
First distinction: Tree of Knowledge.
Tree of Knowledge is a personal phenomenon: if you heard it, learned from another, and it wasn’t your personal experience, any such knowledge is Tree of Knowledge.

This doesn’t mean it is not true, it only means that you don’t know what you think you know. You heard that. Your mind accepted it as true. But Tree of Knowledge will not influence how you are, because there was no learning process, training process.
Second distinction: Your purpose in life
I invented a purpose for my life some 20 years ago, in a seminar called Integrity.

The process they used was unique, maybe a little off the wall, but it worked really well for me.

The assignment was: observe your life and locate a recurring event or phenomenon that you really can’t stand. Turned it on its head and make a purpose of it for your life.

Some people are always disappointed that all their efforts don’t produce results and no matter how much they effort, however right they are, however perfectly they do what they do, they tend to end up empty handed.
Others are givers. Give advice, give favors, but somehow no one appreciates them and they are lonely and miserable in the end.
Yet another may go along, unsuspecting, and always crash and burn…

I used to be one of this third group.
Somehow I always went too close to the edge, in business, in relationship, in my health. I went to the edge and crashed and burned. I had to start it all over again.

So I would move from one country to the other, one state to the other, one business to another, with just one suitcase, and be homeless for a while, starve, build something respectable, maybe even magnificent, crash and burn and start again. Got it?

Instead of worrying about the why, even worrying about the how, this exercise asked me to turn it upside down. It didn’t tell me to ask whose fault it is. It didn’t ask me to fix myself or the world. Also, it didn’t ask what is wrong with you? No. It simply said:
Turn it around and make it your life’s purpose.
Makes sense? Not really. Why?
Because the mind doesn’t like it.
I have facilitated this exercise with about a hundred people, and although their mind was fighting it tooth and nail, each ended up with a purpose statement that was an excellent backbone, an excellent context for a life that is fun, creative, and forward moving.

The sentence I came up with, for myself, is this:
‘Living on the edge, generating distinctions of transformation for humankind.’
As you see, I did not change the habit of living on the edge. I just added a ‘to what end?’, a meaning to
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Energize Your Water, Energize Your Body. About the Source Energized Water… 70% of your body is water. Are you energized?

Energize your Water: About the Source Energized Water… 70% of your body is water
Most of what we know, or think we know is Tree of Knowledge.

Tree of Knowledge means that we didn’t have a direct experience of what we are talking about. We guessed, or someone else guessed and sold it to us as the truth.

That is the case with most of history, the Bible, and most of science.

Now, let’s get back to direct experience: it is a tricky area.

I need to add something important: direct experience of something that is not open to interpretation.

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Earning your light, raising your vibration

Earning your light, raising your vibration

I don’t know everything. In fact, I know very little. And what I know is somewhat sketchy.

I just finished muscle testing the vibrational numbers of the second phase activator class. I was expecting to see who is doing the work of earning their light and who isn’t by the way their vibration was comparing to the numbers two weeks ago.

What I found didn’t make sense, which is a good thing.

When something makes sense, it means that the knowledge is coming from the Tree of Knowledge. It means that I didn’t access anything beyond what everybody should suspect; and the majority is always wrong. Always.

So, in a sense, I was happy that my findings didn’t make sense.

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Instant Transformation: Who Is Speaking? Who Is Listening? What Is Speaking? What Is Listening?

Who Is Speaking? Who Is Listening? What Is Speaking? What Is Listening?

I am noticing that no matter what question I ask, people, unconsciously, translate the question to a Tree of Knowledge, pedestrian question, and then answer their own question.

Asking the same questions leave you unconscious and your life unchanged.

The power is in the questions that make you pick up your head and say: What?

The two paradigms, the pedestrian paradigm, and the elevated paradigm mostly differ, not in their answers, but in their questions.

The four questions (all four need to be answered, not just one!) create a several story jump… unless, of course, you turn it into a pedestrian question.

When I first started to work on raising my vibration, there were no tools. There were only courses, and most people used them as brain candy, to be smarter in conversation with their peeps.

As I am learning disabled, and a foreigner, and a certified loner, I had to chew on each sentence, until I got it. Being hard of understanding is a definite advantage in this type of work. The sharper and quicker the person, the more superficial and pedestrian the understanding.

Most of the people that taught courses or seminars for Landmark, for example, were the quick-witted ones… fast and superficial.

The better someone’s command of the English language, the less depth they had in their understanding.

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Ode to an exceptional teacher, Robert Plank

I “met” my business/marketing teacher, Robert Plank, 37 years my junior, red-headed punk programmer genius at the time, in early 2009.

I wanted to learn php programming from him, because I didn’t know what I wanted to do in life, so learning programming sounded like a good idea.

I had been learning marketing, mindset, everything and anything… when you don’t know where you are going, every path takes you there… lol.

I remember being on the first webinar with him. I didn’t know I was an empath and I could feel the tension between the two partners like my own, and I was rooting for Robert. He stammered, he talked to fast, he was eager and loved teaching!

I could not learn anything in the first course, nothing in the second course, ditto the third course, but I was coming back.

Then on the fourth course I could do three out of the 10 assignments, and I knew I found a home.

Doing the assignments is both a capacity issue and a mindset issue.

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A Personal Confession From Sophie: I Am In This With You… We Are In This Together!

A personal confession from Sophie: I am in this with you… we are in this together!

I’ve been happy for no reason for a few days now. I have the glow about me that I can only compare to the glow of people being in love. I even caught myself wanting to call a person that I normally get irritated by… and ask them out for coffee… No reason, just because I am so happy.

Most “gurus” aka teachers teach from their head.

I have an ex-teacher of mine who teaches internet marketing. They have a whole system. Their students pay over six thousand dollars a year to learn their system.

They have no successful students. Not one. Why? because they don’t teach what they do. In fact they don’t do any of the things they teach. None of the things that make them money are even remotely related to what they teach. None of the mindset stuff they teach actually does…

They hope that what they teach will work some day.

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On Soul Correction and Connecting to Source

Correspondence with J:
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Sharing the light. A single candle, though its light is weak, banishes darkness. But it needs to be lit.

When you hide your light under a bushel basket so no one can see it: you are doing no one a service, including yourself.

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Wipe The Slate Clean, Empty Your Cup: A New Energy To Clear Your Self-Defeating Busy Mind and the Tree of Knowledge

Wipe the Slate Clean and empty your cup: A New Energy to clear your self-defeating busy mind

Five times a week we have a connection call where I teach the new people how to connect and then we all do a serious meditation while connected to Source.

A few sessions ago I’ve started to give people assignments.

The kind of stuff that if they don’t know how to do, then they are left with power only on the calls, but not in their lives.

I have given, so far, two assignments: how do you address the Ego, so it knows that you are the boss, and that it will support you, give you energy, give you the get-up-and-go push, and ambition, without which you will continue to sleepwalk like the rest of humanity.

The second assignment was to address the Soul so it will know that YOU finally woke up, understood the Original Design and are willing and ready to do the work of Soul Correction. In return to that, Soul will give you peace, love, and a sense of accomplishment. Sweet.

Great assignments, don’t you think? Yes, except. Except that the results were disastrous: which made me think and made me call an urgent tete-a-tete with Source.

What are we going to do? Why aren’t they getting it? Why can I do it, why can’t they? What are they not getting?

The answer was plain and simple: their heads are full. No new information, no new ways of being, no new concepts fit into the already full heads, the busy minds.

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Curses, Attachments, Dark Side, The Evil Eye

Curses, Attachments, Dark Side, The Evil Eye: Desire to receive for the self alone

It’s nearly six months that I haven’t written anything about this topic. On a certain day, sometime in July, I think, the Dark Side got eliminated.

For a few months life was sweet (for me) but then the Dark Side started to rebuild itself.

The Dark Side is made of the “Desire to receive for the self alone,” and I want to relate to the three “moves” that grows the Dark Side, and possibly sends you over to the Dark Side.

The first one is curses. Curses are not 4-letter words, they are a wish expressed in words, uttered or not, that direct bodily harm to another.Some cultures have more affinity to Dark Side than others. The culture I was born into, Hungarian, has a huge affinity to the Dark Side. People habitually wish each other dead, limbs lost, fortunes lost, etc. Other cultures, like American, are really tame in comparison. I used to be a typical Hungarian in this regard, I used the words dead, death, kill many times a day. I took after my mother: she was like that.

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what is love? how do you go about getting it? what is it buying you?

What is love?

When we are babies: love is attention. We can’t do anything for ourselves, and someone paying attention to us equals love to us. Our comfort, our survival depends on it.

We each “earned” the attention inĀ  different ways, and then settled on one or two ways that worked the best.

We cried for the bottle in a whiny way, suggesting to our caretaker that we are dying. Pleading, begging, modulating our cry until we got a response.

We cried for the bottle with anger, anguish, or threat. We cried to get a clean diaper. We cried to be picked up.

We also manipulated our caretakers by smiles, by reaching out to them, grabbing their fingers, maybe laugh, little manipulative signs that made them feel good, liked, maybe even loved.

Just like pets learn to push your buttons: it is all self-serving, to make us get attention and food, shelter, and petting.

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