Tag Archives: Tree Of Knowledge

Knowledge… how accurate is it? How safe are you, given the level of knowledge today?

I was looking for pictures for “accurate knowledge” on google… hardly any results. Then I looked for “garbage in garbage out, and I hit the jackpot”… I will put some of the best pictures at the end of this article… they are really funny… But now, let me get to the knowledge article…. OK, here you go:
I am reading Aristotle.

Why? It’s an excellent wake-up call. It knocks you conscious… It has knocked me conscious!

2400 years ago, when Aristotle lived, people, scientists, knew very little about much of anything. They weren’t less inquisitive, they didn’t have less theories, they didn’t argue less. They probably argued more…

They just had theories that are quite ridiculous by today’s standards, knowing what we know today.

Here are a few examples… Be prepared to laugh…
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God Doesn’t Have A Thumb or Will You Dance?

I am never made to watch a movie that is not what I need to watch.

It also could be that I am mono-maniac, that I have a one-track mind… who cares, right?

Today, in the middle of the day, I was taken to the movie “The Girl on The Bridge.” It is a french movie from 1999. On the surface it seems to be about luck and about two people, unlucky apart, lucky together.

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Still think memes are innocent? A meme is like a virus

AI have been talking about the memes… and it seems that I haven’t spoken clearly the point.

So let me take a stab at it, and I’ll try until it’s so clear that most people will get it.

A meme is a though form. Words. Some rule, some principle, some saying that says something about how the world works, how you should be, and what is good and bad.

The Tree of Knowledge houses the memes. They live their incestuous life there and they come from there to infect you.
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Cannot get from A to B? It’s not your fault! It’s the memes

When people speak about beliefs that they want to get rid of, let’s say, belief about money, abundance, they always think that there are some personal beliefs there, that they are discreet, and that they can get rid of them.

Back in my times when I was doing Fourth Plane energies, “designer energies”, one of the moves I had is to make my hand sticky, and pull beliefs, also called thought forms, from myself and from clients.

It was a long process. Hard on the muscles…
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How Do You Decide If A Piece Of Knowledge Comes From The Tree Of Life Or The Tree Of Knowledge? Hopis, Mayan Calendar?

How Do You Decide If A Piece Of Knowledge Comes From The Tree Of Life Or The Tree Of Knowledge?

Great question, isn’t it?

This question came up, pushed itself on my mind, while I was watching the Quickening movie.

After all the movie is inspired, its truth factor is almost 70%. What is my problem. Oh you again, making trouble?

OK, it’s me again, and I am making trouble again.

Let us look at the Hopis first: Is the hopi myth Tree of Life or Tree of Knowledge?

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Addicted to The Law of Attraction? Manifestation? The Law of Attraction teachers and their vibration

Law of Attraction, manifestation, and other voodoo stuff has been around for about 10 years, or at least that’s when I first heard about it.

The teachers of this voodoo stuff share one thing in common: their vibration is low and their vibrational shift as a result of the Activation of the Original Design is slower.

Wow, how does that make sense?

Well, it is not very intuitive, but I trust that you will understand. And maybe some of these teachers will read this article and change some of their ways.

It seems that this Human Game is all centered around The Deal. The Deal? yes, from now that’s what I will be calling this ground rule agreement that we didn’t know we made.

The Deal:

You can get anything you want from Source on the condition that

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What Is Dark Side? Was It Ever Part Of Creation? Now That It Disappeared: Will It Ever Come Back?

What Is Dark Side? Was It Ever Part Of Creation? Now That It Disappeared: Will It Ever Come Back?

I don’t believe dark side was even anticipated at the time of creation. I also don’t believe that Source is concerned about the dark side, or even knows about it.

So where did the Dark Side come from? Great question, right?

It seems to me that Dark Side was created by humanity. it is fed by the desire to receive for the self alone.

Desire to receive for the self alone has two parts:

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The Tiny Steps Approach To Life, aka trimtabbing or Kaizen

Warning: the biggest learning is in the PS!
I could make enemies with this article. But don’t worry: I won’t, unless by accident.

The success or business gurus, whose business will suffer if you follow this path, aren’t in the habit of checking what people say about the stuff they teach. They are so sure they got you, hook, line and sinker, that they will never suspect that they lost you to some other theory of success.

And they will be right.
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The field: The invisible distinction that defines your consciousness

We look at life through the space we locate ourselves in.

When you go home for the holidays, you have a space inside which you interact with your mother. You have a space inside which you interact with your father, another space with your siblings.

Some people live their whole life out of one favorite space.

When you know what space you think you are in, and the other person makes no sense, that is because they relate to you inside a different space.

For example, Nancy lives inside Mother-child space. She is either the mother, or she is the child. When she is the child, I am either the mother (she loves that) or Not mother… she hates that. When she is the mother and I refuse to be the child, she throws a tantrum.

This is invisible for her. It’s the water she swims in.

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Becoming like god where you create with your word.

With regards to the title… I am not suggesting that you become like Jesus… but become like the Creator, who supposedly said: there shall be light… or whatever he said… This Creator created with his word. That is the god I mean…

The main difference between a human and a human being, the next level of human evolution, is an inner difference. Not biological, physical, physiological. Instead a difference in what tells the one and the other to do things, what attitude to have, how to do things.

Humans listen to memes, the voices. Voices that are not the human’s friends, voices that have no rhyme and reason, voices that make the human misbehave, and take actions that on the long run make him miserable.

Humans say things, but they don’t stick. They violate their own word, human word is cheap. Why? Because a random voice comes around and overwrite it. That’s why.
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