Why should you connect to Source?
if you have ever wondered where your energy comes from, what you should do to increase your energy, increase your vitality, you have gotten many answers, most of them cost money, or a lot of energy and time compared to what you get back, in return.
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Dear Sophie, all day I am very aware of the tangerine and I reach to connect – I was going to ask you how I address the source, how do I hear? (you know after so much cultural garbage, many people like me are deaf) , can I learn to set aside what i want to hear and hear what is offered to me?
I could just answer with a simple “yes” but there are important things to teach on this occasion:
Let me start with an admission: My middle name should be “20/20 hindsight.”
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The Universal Power Booster To Any Modality Including The Healing Codes, tapping, EFT, coaching, meditation, yoga, reiki, tr., visualizations, etc.
I am known as the guru buster. Quite a dubious claim to fame, and if it were someone else I would probably have my doubts as far as their intentions are concerned.
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