Tag Archives: upsight

When an area of life isn’t working or isn’t working as well as you’d like it to, there is something that you don’t know

When an area of life isn’t working or isn’t working as well as you’d like it to, there is something that you don’t know.

Obviously, if this is true, then it’s true about every area of life… money, your health, your spirituality, your relationships, becoming a person you can like.

But how do you find out what it is that you don’t know… that if you knew that it would make a difference?

That is the question.

Many of those answers are on my blog but you have been only scanning… which means you are only interested in what you already know. Your life stays the same, and I am wasting my life, wasting my breath.

One of the major things that you don’t know is that you don’t pay attention…

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Can you change? Will you be able to change, even if you never could?

This article is a stream of consciousness… Beware, it is like poetry… you have to feel it, you can’t explain it.

Cultural memes, media bias, tell us that change is fast and dramatic.

So when you consider your own change, that is what you are planning for, or that is what you resist.Even if not changing means staying at a place where you don’t enjoy being. But of the two bad things: dramatic change or staying miserable, staying miserable is still more attractive, because at least you know that place.

But cultural memes, media bias, are lies.

Actually, all memes are lies. It was, maybe, someone’s truth, but it is not THE TRUTH.

Only physical laws are THE TRUTH…
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Good, noble, high-minded… are they the source of high vibration or moronic views?

Whenever you feel that you are on the side of good, the side of noble, the likelihood that you are looking at the world through a narrow cone of vision, and therefore what you say is moronic, is near 100%.

Why is that? Because you are hearing everything through a socially defined, religious mostly, narrow opening in the mind… You’ll miss most of what is being said, and it doesn’t even occur to you… you are oblivious to that.

You won’t make any effort to look at how you are looking, look at the angle of the cone you are looking at, look at the filter… ask additional questions… no, you won’t do that.

Why? Because your mind says that you got the whole issue handled.

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What Does It Say About You That You Have A Pet?

This article will upset many. Just please know, that if you are getting upset, it is indicating that your vibration is very low, and the anger is a smoke screen to avoid seeing it, and avoid being seen as such. As a pet owner, you are, probably, priding yourself of giving life to a pet, but the reality is much more sinister than that.

Consciousness is going to cost you something… a delusion? An illusion? Being asleep and oblivious? We shall see.

Another reason it is important for some of you to read is this: if you want to become and Expanding Human Being, if you want to raise your vibration, then you need to be effective. In order to become effective, you need to act on what’s real, on what’s so, instead of action on some delusion, some fantasy… like Don Quixote.

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My teaching style… does it work? should I change it? a comparison with other teaching modalities

Summary: In this article I examine different teaching styles in the area of spirituality, consciousness and transformation, and I explain why I teach the way I teach.
I got an email from a student of mine yesterday. I quote the whole letter in the footnotes…

I have been obsessing over it for the past hour or so: it feels hurtful, it feels like she says that I am wrong to teach the way I teach.

Her argument that Scientology teaches the way she suggests that I teach sounds really compelling, after all they got her to a respectable low vibration of 130… with a lot of what she says they did well. This sentence was tongue in cheek, if you haven’t noticed. 130 is misery.

Her vibration is 200 now. Not very high, but she got herself off the street level hustle and bustle…

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