Tag Archives: valuable tool

What should you work on to raise your vibration?

Your Bach Profile… a tool for abundance

The first question everyone who actually wants to grow, raise their vibration, and stop being sick, dumb, and poor asks: so what do I do first?

Of course this is a good question… but until this week I really didn’t have a reliable answer. I didn’t have a good answer. I actually didn’t know…

But this week this is opening up, and I have been able to see some answers.

Of course when I have a chance to spend an hour or two with you, I rarely have a problem… but I rarely spend an hour or two with a complete beginner, unless they need a health consultation.

But my newly re-discovered tool, the Bach Profile is proving to be invaluable.

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Good, evil, truth, justice, moralilty, amoral

As I am battling the issue of finally saying no to what my mother called me when I was three, everything comes at me enlarged, sharper, more painful.

In fact, I haven’t been able to sleep well, and quickly approach exhaustion.

Going through the wall that is between me and going higher is turning out to be quite a challenge, quite a torturous undertaking.

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Confessions Of An Empath

Somehow this article got lost… I don’t know how… it disappeared from the site… Weird. This is a “reprint”

Confessions Of An Empath

I didn’t know that the feelings I experienced weren’t only mine until a few months ago. I was 63 years old. I had never heard about the phenomenon, so I never suspected.

I had a long history of living like a phoenix… burned and crashed and then reborn from the ashes.

My Mother, the empath

I hear that the curse of being an empath is inherited, and upon further looking into the path, confirming it with muscle testing, my mother carried the cursed gene.

Did she show any signs of being empathic in ways that it would be a good thing? Not at all. Instead she showed the aspect of empaths that the unaware empath demonstrates: being the trash collector of other people’s badness.

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