Tag Archives: value profile

Is it clear? Are you clear? Yes! we say and we lie

Is it clear? Are you clear? Yes! we say enthusiastically and we lie.
Clarity is one of the things we ALWAYS lie about. It’s like the speed limit… or not thinking about sex. It is a built in landmine to make sure we are never in integrity.

We view clarity if it were a black and white phenomenon.
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Good and Evil. How the wrong yearns to be fixed…

The word of Good and Evil, and other memes. How the wrong yearns to be fixed…

I field a lot of emails in a day. And some of those emails are goldmines, because they reveal the wrong ideas that people entertain, the wrong premises on which they build their actions.

In this article I will go deep, root level, and I will also go higher… because wrong premises can infect you on all levels.

Here is the latest:

Q: Can I listen to the Energizer Audio through headsets for 10 minutes a day to raise my cell hydration?

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Success secret: experimentation

If you find that your life, your oceanliner that is stuck in a tight bay isn’t turning around, this article will teach you something that the knowing of can make a difference.
Remember, when life isn’t working as you expected, there is something that you didn’t know… and it is always in the invisible realm of reality… And so is with this one.
As I said before, ess, evolutionary stable strategy, is where humanity finds itself, where you personally find yourself, and when you muscle test anything, it is ess, aka the selfish gene is what answers your question… unless you muscletest while connected to a higher-than-the-genes consciousness.

OK, that was quite a mouthful. Sorry about that…

Wherever you are in life, in any area of your life, you are in ess. In ess your actions, your ideas, your advisement will come from a “source” that wants to maintain that ess… If you are fat… then maintain being fat. If you are inactive, then maintain inactivity. If you are always engaging in bombastic dreams, then maintain that… engaging in bombastic dreams.

If you act in life like you already know what you need to know, then ess wants to maintain that. If you read, then maintain reading, if you don’t, then maintain not reading.
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Are you being used?

Lots of people, women and men, have a feeling that they are just placeholders or commodities for their friends or lovers.

Even coaches and gurus can have that feeling: actually this is what lead me to start this article.

Whenever I have a question about someone, or have time, I look up the online profiles of people that want to become a student of mine.

So I looked up someone today who has been a student, on and off for about two years now. I have had mixed feeling about her, so I looked her up.

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I have been toying with the idea of teaching the Effortless Abundance Course…

I have been toying, playing with the idea of teaching the Effortless Abundance Course…

What has been blocking me is the kinds of people who want it.

You see effortless is a lie… although efforting, per se, is unnecessary.

Efforting is a concept. But doing things, learning things, unlearning things, is sometimes hard work. And for most people, who are attracted to the Effortless Abundance idea, work is a dirty word.
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…And I recoil from dirty laundry…

I should be doing some laundry. I have run out of socks… And anyways, I want to tame this beast of not doing my laundry.

I gather a load’s worth of stuff, carry it to the washing machine… and the distaste, the disgust is so strong… I take a beeline… and sit down by my computer.

Distaste, eh? Yeah, says muscle test. Disgust? yes. Was it always there? No. Was it from when i was 3? later… from age seven.

What was happening at age seven? I went to school. We had a live-in help: my mother was working on her Masters Degree, coming home around nine every night. My brother was about a year old… and was probably driving the live-in help bonkers.

And I recoil from dirty laundry…

I sit really quietly. The fear joins the distaste. I feel terror. I feel being beaten. Screamed at. Wrapped in wet sheets… Can’t breathe…

I must have wet my bed. I don’t remember. My body remembers. The fear, the disgust, the gagging.

The body remembers.

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Blind chicken syndrome part two. There is some serious teaching in this article

In some way I was born to be one of these blind chickens. It used to take me conscious and deliberate thought not to close down a looking process, not to jump into a conclusion. It did not happen without deliberate thought.

And when I forgot, or I was too tired, or when I was on a roll… god save me from the consequences. My life, my business, my relationships could have been twice, three times as good had I had the presence of mind of remembering not to jump into conclusions all the time.

But there is another aspect, or maybe two?

And that is agenda.

I just watched on youtube the impassioned speech of the whistle blower in Larry Nassar sexual abuse trial.

The person, since her abuse, became a lawyer, has her own children.

The interesting thing about the speech was that its words were powerful, but she had an agenda… and that killed it for me, made me cringe: she wanted to impress.

Now, that is one of the agendas that you want to notice.

Are you speaking to impress? To be considered smart, knowledgeable, fast, or whatever the hell you are pretending? Are you pretending to others, or are you pretending for your own sake?

In the invisible 53, I speak about the invisible moves and games people play.

We could say that there is only one game … a racket. It is recognized by seeing that you have a payoff: making yourself look better than you are, smarter, etc… and a cost; giving up being all you can be.

Obviously, speaking for effect is a racket. And the real cost is that after saying what you said, now you cannot do what there is to do… because now it would negate the talking… and make you look bad.

And all the talk about becoming all you can be, having this and having that becomes impossible for you… because now you can’t do what you need to do.

And that is a horrible price to pay.

The other day someone posted a question that triggered a way of looking that is important:
Here is the question: Sophie, I’ve been teaching these steps to my children too. Hoping maybe they can catch it earlier on and start practicing hearing the voices and memes.

How do you make it a spiritual practice where you consciously do it 24/7 without forgetting it? Do you have a certain method you apply for each practice? I am thinking maybe putting few reminders in my phone to start with until it becomes a habit.
Some soul corrections are very delusional. The person fancies themselves other than they are. It is the voices… The voices that tell you you are better than you are. So what is asking the questions is the voices of the delusional self.

This particular person is a good example: when I muscle test how much of the time she is unconscious, asleep, living in the bull’s ear, safely tucked away in an imaginary world created by the voices… the muscle test says: 99%.

Gurjieff was a 20th Century philosopher and “guru”. His school is still operational, and his school still produces people who believe they are
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What is the number that most predicts how effective you are

Theory induced blindness

I like to call the phenomenon of not being able to see what doesn’t agree with your theory of life: theory induced blindness. A more popular and better known label for it is “confirmation bias”.

You only hear what you agree with. Or more precisely, you only see what you recognize. And you only consider what you recognize as agreeing with your world view.
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Negativity… are you protected enough?

We are all trying to live a great life, stay clear headed, be productive, feel good about ourselves.

But, it seems, the world is full of negativity. Gurus teach us to isolate ourselves from that negativity, to think positive, to remove negative friends from our circles… but with all that hubbab, we are more miserable today than we were before we started to protect ourselves from this negativity.

Why? Find some of the truth out from this article…

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