Tag Archives: value profile

Bridging… how to inch your way to your dreams

As a rule, I don’t have many marker feelings in a day.

A marker feeling is a feeling associated with a set of words… like “you are stupid” and then you feel bad.
Or “you are making a mistake” and you feel fear.
This morning I wanted to work on my presentation on tomorrow’s webinar: the remarkable system of getting to a life worth living… or whatever i called it in the email…
So, as it is totally normal, not a single cell of mine wants to do that work. It’s normal.

Doing something new, doing something public, upsets the ess… it’s not comfortable… it is not what I normally do day in and day out.

Now, if the work were to write an article… none of this would happen. But the webinar format is different… I cannot pause and think between sentences like when I write an article. It has to flow… and there is a fear… A fear of mucking it up. A fear of losing some subscribers. A fear of losing face. A fear of looking bad.

Normal. Not pleasant.
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Equality, racist, collusion, big words you throw around

The other day I used the free community van to get to stores I cannot get to easily on my own.
Note: in the illustrations I am not taking sides. I am illustrating that there is confusion and disagreement in what race. what is racist. what is racism, and what it does is it makes people rigid, lie about what they think, and vote for Trump… ugh.
The driver of the van has a PhD in sociology He asked me if it bothered me if he continued to listen to NPR radio, National Public Radio. There was a public debate on Trump and on the question whether he was a racist or not.
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Intrinsic Values and Your Vibrational Frequency

In the All-That-Is vibration, which is the highest accessible to human beings, you’ll find all the intrinsic values, just like in a perfectly polished diamond, all facets of the diamond reflect the perfection of the whole.
What can raise your vibration? The mirror effect
In this article, we’ll need to distinguish three things:

1. what are intrinsic values
2. what you complain about others shows something fundamental about you
3. what you are, you attract
What are intrinsic values?

Intrinsic values (I use this as an ethical term) are the many qualities, capacities and feelings one would strive for, although they do not produce or provide anything tangible and fly in the face of self-interest.

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What the heck is the worth a damn factor, what is yours, and how do you raise it?

My declared purpose is: I work to raise the truth value of people’s world view and consequently raise their vibration. This article is, seemingly, not about truth value and not about vibration… it is about your worth a damn factor and your happiness… Seemingly…

Here is a world view that is very frequent, and very deadly for your vibration, and for your inner world of happiness.

The world view of jumping. The world view of binary switch reality.

Yesterday I had a long call with one of my coaching clients.

He is long on desire, and short of ambition.

Almost any bait will get him to a feverish pitch of desire… “hoohoo! I’ll make a million bucks!” Like that…

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Selfish, selfless, wanting, forcing, pushing on a string…

When you are a value recognizer, you see value, for you, everywhere.

Seeing value, recognizing value, is a very high vibration capacity, and I literally don’t know anyone who has it fully open… meaning the DNA capacity.

It’s Tuesday, and I had no idea what to write about today. The way it was looking, life was going to be mundane, maybe even boring today…

But I opened my horoscope from Rob Brezsny, and it all changed when I read it. It brought back yesterday, and the whole past month.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): How sexy is it possible for you to be? I’m referring to authentic soul-stirring sexiness, not the contrived, glitzy, counterfeit version. I’m alluding to the irresistible magnetism that wells up in you when you tap in to your core self and summon a reverent devotion to your life’s mission. However sexy it is possible for you to be, Virgo, I suggest you unleash that magic in the coming weeks. It’s the most reliable strategy for attracting the spiritual experiences and material resources and psychological support you need.
In the 30 dry days… that seemed to pass through the land of commerce, I learned a lot about scarcity, about abundance, about being Selfish and being selfless, wanting, forcing, and pushing on a string.
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What gives you juice in life? what could give you juice in life? What is your unique way you can enter the flow, the zone at a moment’s notice?

Juiced vs. Driven (Juiced here means: turned on, excited, alive)
The most difficult attitude to take on or even comprehend is “desire to receive for the sake of sharing”. The opposite of that is “desire to receive for the self alone”.

Why is it so hard? Because… I actually don’t know…

I’ll kick it around in this article, and let’s say if I can say anything that resonates. With you.

Why wouldn’t? Well, it hasn’t. Not with you, and not with others.

If you are new to my articles: my self-assigned job is to ferret out, test out, experiment out what would take humans back to the evolutionary path they abandoned about 30 thousand years ago. They went deep into the current level of “homo sapiens” you could also call: the man who lives in the cave of their mind.

The alternative was to become human being, but that hasn’t happened, and cannot happen through the mind.

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How to Be the Type of Person Everyone Wants to Know

Here is an article that has truth in it, but not the whole truth. The article is a typical psychological take on a human condition… and is incomplete.
Here is an example of what a 7% truth value is, and what is missing to make it acceptable… and no, a 7% truth value is not acceptable.
I am going to attempt to add some of my own discoveries… to bring it up to a higher, hopefully much higher level of truth value…

First: read the article. I felt horrible reading it, because it made me feel bad about myself. Not many people consider me good company… so I definitely don’t qualify to being the type of person everyone wants to know.

At the same time my fixed mindset is only 7%… so what’s going on?

I’ll explain after the article… but first read it, OK?
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The fundamental difference between low vibration and high vibration is…

If you admire the butterfly, then you have low vibration… A butterfly person will not be enamored with a butterfly…
The “I don’t like” “I don’t want” list, seems to be a very reliable measure of the size of your world and thus your vibration. (You may call it your frequency, or your vibrational frequency… but what the words indicate isn’t real… your vibration is better defined in this article.)

When you have low vibration (under 200), the size of your world is tiny, mostly about you, your person, how you feel, etc.

Add the three-tier-value-system to the mix, and you are now clearly seeing someone’s vibration, without having to be able to muscle test or connect to Source.
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How to be with The things you can’t be with, you can’t accept

I got a really great question yesterday from a student.

He asks: Is it possible to be with what you can’t accept, killing, rape, and such? And how do you do it without jeopardizing your personal values, your personal integrity, and at the same time still be able to be happy and not be mired in the dark energies of hatred?

This is a really great question. After all isn’t the world REALLY divided to right and wrong? Good or bad? And wouldn’t it put you on the side of bad and wrong if you accepted what you don’t agree with, what you don’t like, what you abhor?

The answer to the question, as almost always, is hidden in the question.

It takes a shift of vantage point.

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