Tag Archives: vibrational reviews

Talking About Flying Isn’t

Talking About Flying Isn’t. Understanding Flying Isn’t. Explaining How To Fly Isn’t Flying Either. Only Flying Is Flying.

I have been observing my “competition”.

Competition? you say. Does that mean that you are writing this article form the competitive field? No, I said it in quotation marks, noticed? I have a unique meaning to competition…

We compete for mind-share, time-share, attention share. I would like everyone to go through my programs, because I know they work. But, at least at this stage of MY development, my mind-hare in the world is very minuscule.

So I watch the people who are currently engaging the minds of the people who are interested in, what I call, raising their vibration.

In the following, (and in subsequent posts) I am going to, briefly, talk about each of them, and also about the programs they are offering.

Notice that I distinguish between the vibration of the teaching and the vibration of the person. They are not the same. Not by far.

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Life is counter-intuitive if your source of intuition is your mind… Get out of your mind!

Life is counter-intuitive if your source of intuition is your mind

Most of what you call intuition, isn’t. It is, in fact, reaction. Mostly it is the reaction of your reptilian brain.

The reptilian brain seems to have retained the memories and learned behaviors of our reptilian ancestors, as if it had been us, personally gone through the experiences of a reptile.

Hold your breath when there is danger. Make yourself unnoticeable and blend into your environment unless you are ready for a confrontation, attack first ask questions later… these are all from the reptilian brain.

Depression, schizophrenia, maybe even ADD are reptilian brain reactions. And no, I am not a psychiatrist, but I do observe people, and I look deeper than most psychiatrist: I didn’t learn this, I distinguished this. This is Tree of Life knowledge, not dead.
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The invisible components of success: two case studies. A must read…

You cannot talk butterfly language… unless… Also: Lies by omission, lies by commission… are you a liar?
Last night I was reminded how my nights used to be before I discovered Source energies. Hellish…

I am reading a book from someone, I still haven’t decided if I want to name that someone… or not.

Why? Because I am irate… so angry and envious… I am afraid to let it all out…

But I have to start releasing this tension somehow. [/note]

OK, back to this dude…
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Do affirmations work?

Why do I keep saying that affirmations don’t work?
And how about afformations? And how about subliminal suggestions, etc. etc. etc.

If affirmations worked, I would be long a millionaire. And many of the people I know, that are still struggling.

This is what I know about the development of false beliefs… and if my theory is correct, my theory proves my point.

I want to say though, before I start explaining my theory, that I have found a methodology that in the hand of the right practitioner can do miracles.

It is called Theta Healing, and it can eliminate a false belief in about 30 seconds, from the time of pinpointing it. This is what I am using now, both for myself and for my clients.
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How to be with The things you can’t be with, you can’t accept

I got a really great question yesterday from a student.

He asks: Is it possible to be with what you can’t accept, killing, rape, and such? And how do you do it without jeopardizing your personal values, your personal integrity, and at the same time still be able to be happy and not be mired in the dark energies of hatred?

This is a really great question. After all isn’t the world REALLY divided to right and wrong? Good or bad? And wouldn’t it put you on the side of bad and wrong if you accepted what you don’t agree with, what you don’t like, what you abhor?

The answer to the question, as almost always, is hidden in the question.

It takes a shift of vantage point.

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Case Study #4: Landmark Education and its programs

I first participated in what is now called Landmark Education back in 1985, the last weekend of August, in Haifa Israel.

I lived in an immigration hostel, I worked as an architect and town planner in Jerusalem and I was miserable.

In quick succession two Russian immigrants killed themselves: I knew and liked them both. One of them was so determined that she manage to hang herself from the window bars, even though the window sill was only about 20 inches… Knee high.
I was going to be next. Except that someone invited me to something on a Wednesday evening.

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Cancer: The unexpected results of positive thinking

Whoever thought that the well-meaning positive thinking will become a prison and a sentence to a ‘no joy life’ for most who become a “practitioner” of it, about 80% of humanity at this time.

Whether you know it or not, your powers of comprehension depend on your powers of distinguishing.

In the old est training, the trainers came to the room on the first day blasting: “for you Everything is the same as everything else … except not always” and they were as accurate as accurate they would be today: you can’t tell your ass from your elbow.

This is true for everybody, including yours truly… the difference is only in degrees. No one is exempt from it.

The capacity to see differences clearly is called astuteness. The capacity to tell apart similar things, to name them and claim them.

Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article

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Updated: Case Study: Inelia Benz

Update June 2014: A reader asked if I am still afraid of Inelia Benz… so I made a mistake and I connected to her. Immediately I got three energetic attachments, also known as Dark Side attachments designed to kill.

An energetic attachment is much like heart worm: it goes deep and it blocks life force, and eventually makes you sick and kill you.

The male person also mentioned in the footnote, does the same thing… the attachments do the same, and attach at a similar place… I have had people listening to these “teachers” come to me for attachment removal. It is nasty to remove…

I had to connect to measure her vibration… it is 100. Low and nasty.

Original Article from 2011:
Inelia Benz www.ineliabenz.com

All the people I have reviewed or critiqued, I have had no fear. Not so with Inelia Benz. I am afraid.

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Do I judge the people I write about? Gurus, healers, teachers and such?

Making something wrong vs distinguishing what is so

Judging, the word, the activity, implies that there is a right and there is a wrong. There isn’t… so when you are judging, you are already involved in what we call “the Dark Side”…

I get emails from quite a few people that say that I am an angry, that I am a low vibration person because I write about people and their actions saying that they are low vibration, or whatever they say… just read my vibrational reviews.

What is missing for these people is the distinction above: being able to tell is something is a make-wrong statement or if something is a what is so statement. If something is a judgment or if something is a matter of fact of stating the facts I can glean from what I see.

One of my students has a son who is a bed-wetter. I used to be a bed-wetter, so I know a whole lot about the inner world of a bed-wetter.

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Are you my ideal customer? If you are, how did you find my site?

Summary: Now that I have lost my main source of income, I am back to the planning stage. I am back to finding out how to reach people that want what I have to offer: Energy remedies for peace of mind, freedom, power, and are willing to work for it at the same time, instead of waiting for a miracle or a pill or a magic bullet.

I am not often confronted. Being confronted always means that something or someone has breached the separation between your hidden self and your fake self.

You hide the stuff that you don’t think will work in the world, that will not buy you the image or goodies you want, the affection, appreciation, the job, the friends, the money.

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