Tag Archives: vision

Information is worthless. Knowledge is on the other side

Knowledge is where? It is on the other side of a river… you need a bridge.

A very painful fact OF LIFE triggered today’s article. The fact that information doesn’t readily translate to an improvement in your life, in your results.

I have called this phenomenon several different names for the past 30 years.

The thing/idea doesn’t have legs… I would say. And anything that doesn’t have legs cannot move… unless, of course, they are a snake, or a fish, but you get the gist, don’t you?
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“You have to have vision”… what does it even mean?!

You have to have vision… you read it in memes, in articles, but you don’t know what vision is, so how can you have it, right?

I have students, friends, who think they have vision for themselves, but what they have is the desire trap syndrome: they see pieces of the future that they want. They can walk around in it, enjoy it, embellish it, feel it, dream about it. Fly the private jet to have breakfast in Bombay, or drink margaritas on the pristine white sands of some private island.
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Vision, Values, Mission… are there any pre-requisites?

If you have lived a lifestyle that left you with no foundation for self-growth is answering the question… what comes first: the chicken or the egg.

You, people in this predicament have one characteristic in common: you don’t want to do anything that you cannot see the immediate usefulness of it.

Usefulness can also be enjoyment… enjoyment is useful.

This common characteristic has rendered you to either rely on your quick intelligence in school, and you had reasonable to good grades, or you had bad grades… the result in common: no knowledge of the world, no foundation for self-growth, because no real learning took place.
The percentage of humanity that would like to grow, but has nothing going for them, other than that vague desire, is a staggering 70%. 70%!

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