Tag Archives: the inner voices

Something interesting happened on my way to the top…

Warning: this article is written in a stream of consciousness way… and I am unwilling to rewrite it to prose… Let’s see if you can follow me to the rabbit hole… lol
Last week was quite uneventful, as far as drama goes.

No “attacks” from the Dark Side, no big drama anywhere. Things were flowing.

My new book, Effortless Abundance is drawing good reviews, and I am writing the sequel.

We’ve made a major discovery: a missing piece no one suspected, to raising your vibration.

Until last night.

There is this marketing master I have befriended. Our whole relationship has been going on quite public, and I didn’t care. Then he sent my a private email, and sent me one of his ebooks he sells for money.

At first I didn’t want to read it. Then I read it, but was very uncomfortable with it.

It felt like this guy is condescending to me.

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Dark Side Report, June 2012

How And With What Methods And Vehicles Does The Dark Side Spread And Gain Ground? Mind-share and heart-share…
Don’t be mistaken: the Dark Side is growing, and in spite of self-professed do-gooders, light-workers, etc. the Dark Side is back to 40%.

Last year in June I spent six week downloading the First Phase Activators into every human inhabitant of the planet.

In the process I accidentally trapped the Dark Side and eliminated it.

For two straight months after that the Dark Side didn’t exist. Then slowly it started to creep up.

I measured it yesterday, and it’s up to 40%.

How come in less than a year it managed to grow itself back? It’s because the Light has almost no support.

I am reading book 5 of the Ringing Cedar Series. It’s by now degraded itself into a dogmatic piece of “party line” literature.

It has exhausted all its Source inspiration, and the 5th book’s vibration is now 200, down from 600 the first and the second volume.

Why is that?

Because the agenda: 100% Tree of Knowledge interpretation of what is good has taken completely over the book.

It is now growing the Dark Side… in spite of its original declared intent.

I see the same tendency at other places as well…

One of the TV shows that I watched over and over on Netflix, “Lie To Me” was really useful to me by distinguishing the look of certain impossible-to-hide emotions.

The second reason it was really useful, because it held up a mirror to me: I recognized disloyalty as a behavior I had. Seeing it on the monitor allowed me to change that behavior, consciously, and for good.

For reasons not quite clear to me, I am sitting in front of my computer, and scenes from that TV show are moving back and forth in my head, pausing and showing details of tone of voice, word usage, facial expressions that betray disloyalty in the series episodes.

Millions of people watched that show, and they are much less discerning than me. I bet if I started to talk about disloyalty, betrayal on that show, people would not know what I am talking about.

Crime movies, action flicks are a great vehicle for the Dark Side.

We learn about the world and about values from what we watch. Unconsciously. Our parents, our peers, our teachers, our co-workers, our bosses, our movies.

One of my teachers does underhanded things. Why? Because he can.

What put me into this out-of-balance state, I just see it now, something that happened two days ago.

They invited former and current students of an expensive course, promising further training.

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Radical Honesty: The Truth About You If You Are Human And Breathe: You Are A Liar

Radical Honesty: the truth about you if you are human and breathe: you are a liar.

Did you notice that in American spoken English, people don’t lie down, they lay down; things are not underlying, they are underlaying. The culture of withhold, the culture of hidden lies is so strong: it is changing the language.

You can call a person an s.o.b., but don’t call him on a lie: he will kill you, or at least sue you. Lol.

Someone recommended that book, the Radical Honesty, to me. I had to put it down after about 30 pages: I could not stand the amateurish writing style, the long convoluted sentences, the self-promotion angle of it.


I just hung up with a friend. He started, with my help, a business that so far built him a mailing list of about 700 people: not a bad start. He also got three consulting gigs out of it, that isn’t bad either.

I am managing his mailing list for him, and I feel that his people need to get an email today, or they will not remember why this guy is writing to them.

Normally this guy calls me every day, but I haven’t heard from him for more than two weeks.

So I called him. “What’s up? Your people need to get an email… what do you want to tell them?”

From the other end of the line this sheepish voice came, shame mostly. “I don’t know why I can’t do it. I have so many ideas and then I just don’t want to do it…” he was squirming.

This has been his attitude with any growth opportunity he had in the past 12 years: that is how long I’ve known him.

So, what’s up with that, WTF, right?

He is a Landmark graduate, he did Dianetics, he worked with Tony Robbins, he went to India a dozen times, how come he can’t control himself when it comes to success?

He is impeded… he is using most of his energies to hide stuff… that if he goes to uncharted territory, where all the moves are unusual, he may slip and let up and some of that ugliness spills out.

How do I know it? because that is how humans are… use most of their brain power, and 99% of their will to stuff what they NEED TO STUFF, to maintain the status quo… and interestingly, there is nothing nice or lovely about the status quo: most of the people I know are dissatisfied, bored, lost, hoping, trying, but none of them are living, passionately, nothing held back, full out, like they could.

Is it courage that’s missing? Yes. But not the courage to go for it, the courage to tell the truth about the lies, the pretenses, the disloyalty, the gossip ping, the ugliness.

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Energize Your Water, Energize Your Body. About the Source Energized Water… 70% of your body is water. Are you energized?

Energize your Water: About the Source Energized Water… 70% of your body is water
Most of what we know, or think we know is Tree of Knowledge.

Tree of Knowledge means that we didn’t have a direct experience of what we are talking about. We guessed, or someone else guessed and sold it to us as the truth.

That is the case with most of history, the Bible, and most of science.

Now, let’s get back to direct experience: it is a tricky area.

I need to add something important: direct experience of something that is not open to interpretation.

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Ode to an exceptional teacher, Robert Plank

I “met” my business/marketing teacher, Robert Plank, 37 years my junior, red-headed punk programmer genius at the time, in early 2009.

I wanted to learn php programming from him, because I didn’t know what I wanted to do in life, so learning programming sounded like a good idea.

I had been learning marketing, mindset, everything and anything… when you don’t know where you are going, every path takes you there… lol.

I remember being on the first webinar with him. I didn’t know I was an empath and I could feel the tension between the two partners like my own, and I was rooting for Robert. He stammered, he talked to fast, he was eager and loved teaching!

I could not learn anything in the first course, nothing in the second course, ditto the third course, but I was coming back.

Then on the fourth course I could do three out of the 10 assignments, and I knew I found a home.

Doing the assignments is both a capacity issue and a mindset issue.

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On Authority, Or What I Learned From My Brother

On Authority, Or What I Learned From My Brother

My eyes are swimming in tears. Tears of recognition, tears of happiness.

Why am I so happy, you ask? Because I have turned a corner. A big one for me.

My brother, six years my junior, lives in Hungary. We were never really close. No one was close in my family. Holocoust survivor parents, all carrying memories of personal and racial horrors in their cells.

You never knew when they would blow up on you… it was totally unpredictable. I learned last night what’s the mechanism: I am 65 years old and I hadn’t known. Wow.

I last saw my brother in 1995. He came to visit me and he stayed 2-3 weeks, I don’t remember how long. He’d just sold a house he built and was now building another one, and had a sudden cash influx; that’s how he could afford to fly over to me.

At the time I was a magazine publisher and quite ill. He had headaches. I had none of the powers I have today: there was nothing I could do for him. Today I would know what to do… but I won’t cry for spilled milk.

Later that year he lost one eye, the cause of his headaches, then lost his job due to his funny looks with the glass eye… life is unfair.

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How To Be A Sacred Lotus: Stay On The Path And Are Happy?

How to be a sacred Lotus, untouched by the rain, the suffering of others, the noise of others: what’s the secret of people that stay on the path and are happy?

What is the reason you are pulled into everything, that you are trying to help everyone, that you are a do-gooder?

I could have written this article about argumentative people, self-justifying people, people asking everyone to help them, angry people, etc. I just chose to write about do-gooders because it looks good… to you, but it kills you and your life exactly as all the other ways… OK?

When I ask people why they go out of their way to help people, they always have an answer. “I am good, I like people, I like to help.”

But the truth is deeper and uglier than that.

Selfless means just that. You have no self. You have no center. You are empty inside. You have no home to come home to.

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Wipe The Slate Clean, Empty Your Cup: A New Energy To Clear Your Self-Defeating Busy Mind and the Tree of Knowledge

Wipe the Slate Clean and empty your cup: A New Energy to clear your self-defeating busy mind

Five times a week we have a connection call where I teach the new people how to connect and then we all do a serious meditation while connected to Source.

A few sessions ago I’ve started to give people assignments.

The kind of stuff that if they don’t know how to do, then they are left with power only on the calls, but not in their lives.

I have given, so far, two assignments: how do you address the Ego, so it knows that you are the boss, and that it will support you, give you energy, give you the get-up-and-go push, and ambition, without which you will continue to sleepwalk like the rest of humanity.

The second assignment was to address the Soul so it will know that YOU finally woke up, understood the Original Design and are willing and ready to do the work of Soul Correction. In return to that, Soul will give you peace, love, and a sense of accomplishment. Sweet.

Great assignments, don’t you think? Yes, except. Except that the results were disastrous: which made me think and made me call an urgent tete-a-tete with Source.

What are we going to do? Why aren’t they getting it? Why can I do it, why can’t they? What are they not getting?

The answer was plain and simple: their heads are full. No new information, no new ways of being, no new concepts fit into the already full heads, the busy minds.

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How do you squash Life Force so you are never really well?

Well Being, Aliveness, Energy, Inspiration, Life Force: How do you squash them so you are never really well?

About 50% of my site’s new visitors come in search of a miracle way to get well.

Another 30% come to find a way to love and the good feelings it gives you. Mostly they were disappointed in Christie Marie Sheldon, the ‘love-or- above’ lady I write about.

The rest come to learn about muscle testing, vibration, and other stuff…
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Want to enslave a man? rob the man of his common sense

If you want to enslave a man, the best and fastest way to go about it is to rob the man of his common sense, his guidance system. The feelings.

Train him to not trust his feelings.  To not even feel them. Or call them emotion names.

Train him that he can’t trust his feelings. Train him that all decisions should be made by men smarter than him. And by all means, train him that he can’t be trusted to made decisions about the education, the health about his children.

Train him by printing on plastic bags that they should not be put in the cradle… because a child may suffocate playing with it… Do this so the man will stop thinking for himself and start relying entirely on thing being given to him chewed and digested.
Give him the religion of positive thinking.
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