Tag Archives: wake up ready

Updated: If your vibration is under 200

Before I let you use any of my products, your purchase needs to get approved by me. Why? Because most people don’t understand that not everything is going to work for them. They like something and they want it… then they will return it because it won’t do what I promised.

All promises are conditional. Just like weight loss products are conditional on your eating and exercising changes… If you don’t keep your end of the deal, the deal is off.

The only part I have control over is your vibration when you make the purchase. If your vibration is under a certain level, the product you bought won’t work for you. That simple…. Low vibrational level is also expressed by a lack of intelligence. Most people buy products without asking for their vibration to be measured… And then I have to disappoint them because they can’t have what they ordered. Please don’t be one of those… Get your vibration measured by me for a small donation.

What works for people with a vibration under 200? Or at the minimum 170

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I need your help to name the remedy… Please

I need your help

It has become clear to me that calling the energy remedy Effortless Abundance Activator wasn’t as good an idea as I hoped it was going to be: only few people resonate with that, and no one seems to search for Effortless Abundance… literally.

So what does the remedy do, that would be a better clue to people that it’s a perfect match to what they desire?

Here are my own observations:

It somehow causes me to wake up ready… this used to be a dream of mine, to not waste the first few hours of every day trying to get ready… tea, more tea, moping around, reading my emails…. and maybe, if I was lucky, by noon I would start doing something useful.

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How do you energize your environment, how do you energize yourself?

I have a habit of looking at what people search for to get to my site.

One of the questions that people ask for is how to energize their environment. I could have guessed that from the number of people that are using all the trivortex and other gadgets… (and after my article are now getting rid of them…)

The Energizer audio is a simple audio recording of myself while I am downloading the Energizer energy. Because the energy works through the audio as well, the audio energizes whatever is around the audio waves, whatever is touched by the audio waves, water, your water-containing body, beverages, fruits and vegetables, your pets, and your environment.

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