Tag Archives: Warm Fuzzy Feeling

Your Internal Guidance System: How To Interpret Your Gut Reaction To Stuff?

We all want certainty, we all want reliable guidance, so that we make less mistakes.

Muscle testing while connected to Source is the best, but too few of you knows how to connect reliably.

About 50% of the population gets a gut reaction to things… 40% in their heart, and about 10% of the population just knows.

But what do the feelings of the gut mean? This article is about the gut reaction… and how to interpret it.

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Love: the lies, the misdirection, the inaccuracies, and the birth of unendurable misery

You are taught to love. You are preached to love. They say love has a high vibration. They say love will transform you.

But what is love? Love is a state of total acceptance of what is. Not condoning what is, not succumbing to it, just accepting it for what it is. And that love is the keyhole through which you attain happiness.

When you read about love, you always mean “people”. Love has nothing to do with people, and has nothing to do with the warm fuzzy feeling of safety that you crave so badly.

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How Could You Experience Love? What Gives You That Warm Fuzzy Feeling Of Love? (Updated) When You Are Loved? When You Love? What Is Love Anyway?

How Could You Experience Love? What Gives You That Warm Fuzzy Feeling Of Love? When You Are Loved? When You Love? What Is Love Anyway?

I really don’t like cheesy, corny conversations, so I am going to start with a joke. It is politically incorrect, so forgive me…
A married couple decides to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on the same island in the same inn where they were at their honeymoon.

On their first evening they go down to the dining room. They order the same meal. When the food arrives they start to eat. No talking… until the woman start to gush:

“I have this warm fuzzy feeling in my chest, just like 50 years ago!” she exclaims looking at her husband lovingly.

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