Tag Archives: werner erhard and associates

Is Becoming Like Jesus The Same As Becoming Like God?

Is Becoming Like Jesus the same as becoming like god?

I need to state first, that I am not a Christian.

I have a Jewish heritage, grew up atheist in a Communist country, had people been allowed to be religious, they would have been predominantly Catholic there, attended one year of religious education in Israel and left for profound differences in world view. Have been studying Kabbalah for 8 years.

I am not religious. But I am very interested in the heritage of the world I am here to help connect, help ascend.

And in Jesus, and the tale, I was always interested in. I even read the bible in Hungarian… didn’t understand much, but I read it.

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Master your emotions by mastering the Amish Horse Training Method

If we didn’t have words, we would have no emotions. All emotions come from words… some are yours, some are not…

The Amish Horse Training Method is to be able to hear all the words that create emotions… and hear them in a way, that gives you a choice to honor them or not, depending of the source of the words, the relevance of the words…

The Amish Horse Training Method returns you to the driving seat of your life…

Not surprisingly, for most students the first step towards mastery is mastering their attention. Unless you can control your attention, you are a putz… and are controlled by someone or something, but not you. And for you to be you, you need to call the shot.

The luckier students admit that they have a difficult time sticking with a book… because they can’t pay attention to it, they can’t understand, or they can’t remember what they read. Or the do a narrative, argue with the book, agree, disagree… but have no idea what they actually read. They remember the arguing.
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Albert Einstein spoke about the levels of consciousness

I am very lucky: the questions my students send me have caused me to have a deeper understanding for my own work.

These students are often seeking new insights in their pressing circumstances from me. Lately it is all about making a decision to stay or leave, to let go or to fight.

It is a huge responsibility to talk to people who are looking for answers.

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From small, miserable, fearful, hiding, to expansive, magnificent… can you do it?

The size of your paradigm, the size of your puny world… and what can you do about it?You were born with a paradigm of 1,000. You were born innocent, knowing nothing, therefore knowing everything.

The tales of karma, the tales of past lives is not true, not really, maybe not at all.

You were born with no past and no future… Maybe some past starting from 4 month old in utero…

Then the world starts to “educate you” about what you can, what you can’t, what’s true and what’s false, and that is, for a while, passing on their paradigm. The intention is to keep you safe, not to imprison you, but ultimately that is the result they achieve.

Then you get to the ripe old age of 3 years old, and if you are typical, you start pretending that you already know everything there is to know, because you have already learned that the people who are big, seem to you to know everything… and they seem to you to do better than you.

The Second defining moment came…

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When something isn’t working, doing more of it is not the answer

Summary: In my search for finding transformational methods, I have come to the startling realization that everyone I know in the business of transformation is doing the wrong thing, teaching the wrong thing, and thus helping the Dark Side.
In one of the episodes of the House MD TV series, Dr. House has a patient who is dying. After a lot of tests they find out that the patient’s father gave his son a graduation gift from his scrap metal yard.

The son honored the loving father by keeping the gift on his person all the time.

The gift, a highly radioactive piece of metal, kills him, and maims his friend who was exposed to the radioactivity on a long flight when he sit next to him.

Why am I telling you this story?
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My teaching style… does it work? should I change it? a comparison with other teaching modalities

Summary: In this article I examine different teaching styles in the area of spirituality, consciousness and transformation, and I explain why I teach the way I teach.
I got an email from a student of mine yesterday. I quote the whole letter in the footnotes…

I have been obsessing over it for the past hour or so: it feels hurtful, it feels like she says that I am wrong to teach the way I teach.

Her argument that Scientology teaches the way she suggests that I teach sounds really compelling, after all they got her to a respectable low vibration of 130… with a lot of what she says they did well. This sentence was tongue in cheek, if you haven’t noticed. 130 is misery.

Her vibration is 200 now. Not very high, but she got herself off the street level hustle and bustle…

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Landmark Education: worth watching video and my story – Part One

I was first introduced to Landmark it was called something else, Werner Erhard and Associates. I was a new immigrant in Israel, worked for the City of Jerusalem as an architect, in the Town Planning Department. I was lonely and miserable.

I left Hungary hoping for a family. I left Hungary hoping for a better life. Instead I brought my misery with me and got loneliness on top of it.

One day a woman I barely knew by sight stuck her head in the door of my office and invited us, 4 girls, to a thing at her home. I said yes, I would have gone anywhere at that point.

My Hebrew was good enough to work, not too good to converse at that point.

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