Tag Archives: yarn

What does religious mean? And what does it have to do with not being happy, fulfilled, etc.

Will you choose the truth or the dogma? Love or “luv”? The personal cost of being religious…

I brought up the issue, my issue, my inability to be OK around religion.

Because I am so practiced activating my “Reticular Activator” and I am so committed to keep on expanding as a human being, my whole world shifted the moment I put my attention to the phenomenon.

All the books suddenly point to something that is related to my “object”, my dreams, articles, everything.

It is not in the foreground all the time, instead it is simmering on the back burner.

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Dynamics of self-sabotage: “If it weren’t for…” – UPDATED

The all or nothing attitude (Gentian)

Sometimes I wish I were some other teacher… and could write my articles, learn my lessons, without having to get into it, and wade myself through the much and the mire of an attitude, or situation.

But, maybe because I am an empath, this path is not available to me: I have to get dirty myself.

They say: fake it till you make it… but what people understand from it is not what the saying means. People make it mean: lie through your teeth, deceive people, create a pretense, a public persona, and the truth will follow.

I refuse to lie. So this article will tell you the raw truth, however painful it is, otherwise it won’t teach you anything.

I have recently took a course on using a facebook page to attract new customers. Sounds good, though my opinion of facebook and people that hang out on facebook is really bad… but I hoped that it would not interfere.

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