Tag Archives: you are not important enough

What you dish out to others

In the “itch that no one can scratch for you”, I introduce a feeling, a way of being, that has been consistently missing from your life. It may be something that you were born with, i.e. it is part of your soul correction, or it is something that developed by being mistreated… as far as you are concerned…

Nothing bad or dramatic needed to happen in your childhood, and yet you ended up feeling that way.

Not loved, not being enough, not being valued, not mattering, not being smart enough, fast enough, pretty enough, important enough, and so on and so on.

Every person has some slight. They either blame themselves or they blame others, but the slight is there.

Your whole life, your whole life experience is based on this one missing “thing”, and it weaves through your life like a theme.

My “item”, my itch, is being treated as a human being.

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