Tag Archives: youngevity

Disclaimer… Who am I to guide you in your quest to health? The Truth Method


My reviews on health, supplements, and nutrition, practitioners, systems, modalities are based on a little knowledge and a lot of muscle testing. Same with my nutritional consultation.

I am not a doctor, I am not a nutritionist, I am not a pharmacist… I am a True Empath, an avid reader, and a very diligent muscle tester. I also test some stuff on myself. To the tune of thousands of dollars worth of stuff a year.

I also test on clients: it is never intentional, but it is often a test nevertheless. Watching, observing evaluating, learning new things.
The hardest thing to test is: why something won’t work. Why? Because if you ask stupid questions, you’ll get stupid answers.
The art of asking questions is to get to the cause… to the root.
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Is science wrong? Are you smarter than scientists? Who should you trust?

This article has a time limited offer at the end… don’t skip it!

It is not enough to call yourself a mad scientist, I learn. You may be mad, but unless you know the scientific methods, you are just mad, playing around.

Science has a bad reputation nowadays, mainly because of two reasons:

1. the public doesn’t know that science is rarely able to get to the cause of anything, so the expectations are too high, the disappointments are too low. it is more comfortable to listen to fake science, fake doctors, fake gurus. At least they don’t make you think.
2. the fact that scientists are not independent of biases, self-interest, and such, renders their results highly dubious, questionable, etc. And in some crucial issues, this threatens the general public, like in the issue of A1 milk, the issue of GMO, the issues of pesticides and other harmful stuff we are forced to eat.

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Can you find solutions to your health issues by googling?

If you have problems with your hair, your scalp, or with your skin, your teeth, you can research the internet for hours.

And you’ll end up with a serious case of “learned helplessness” where you see that in a field where no one has the answer is all you can do is throw your hands up, or try everything and its opposite. All that knowledge will victimize you…

This could also apply to poor sleep, digestive issues, or lack of energy.
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