Tag Archives: your soul correction

Most pebbles are buried under many layers

Most pebbles are buried under many layers: have you found yours? Are you afraid that you are stupid?

We go back in time, find the incident that is the most likely that created your pebble: your key to survival, and yet, the emotions don’t respond.

How do we know that we got to the “real” pebble, not a coverup, not a fake to distract us from revealing the whole mechanism, but the real one, the one that makes you a puppet on a string, never winning, never achieving competence, security, joy, happiness, and fulfillment that could be your birthright?

Last session (I am learning as we go… I didn’t come out of my father’s head with the knowledge, guys! If anyone claims they did, they are teaching you Tree of Knowledge stuff, not the real deal!) a few more people popped. Popping is what I call it when you get to the hidden treasure.

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What’s the difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful one?

What’s the difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful one?
This article is really important. If you read nothing else on this site, read this. I’ll do my darned best to make it simple, and to reach your dense brain. How do I know it’s dense? Because successful people don’t read articles like this, or not often. Skinny people don’t read how to lose weight articles either… got it?
If you take two people, maybe even twins, and watch them, their results in life, most likely, be different. Their actions will be different. Their likes and dislikes…

You can follow them 24 hours a day and watch what they do, and you can make it into a book, but you won’t help anyone, because what makes one successful is not in the doing. Not even in the thinking. Definitely not in your speaking… It is much much deeper than either.

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Are you filling your head with ‘just in case’ knowledge while your life is waiting for you to know what to do?

I woke up this morning. I said the date, out loud, in Hungarian (my last dream before waking up was in Hungarian) and the sound of the words took me to a soul-searching.

I said (in Hungarian), Happy New Year Miss Benshitta… and it hit me, that I would be an old maid, a spinster in Hungary… ugh… would it have forced me to get married and become swallowed up by another’s life?

Had I stayed in Hungary… I probably would have continued working as an architect. I probably would have never done the steps that would have taken me through all the steps one has to take to reach and walk a different path.

I would be unfulfilled, and probably dead.

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Your life is like a boat on sea… Where it’s going is given by the drift 96%

Every learning is becoming. Every action that is aimed at learning but doesn’t lead to becoming… is not learning, it is just a pretense. Treading water. The drift.
But becoming is not easy, and it takes longer than you would expect. OK, longer than I expect. Longer than I have been expecting… 🙁
Why? because some of the learning requires you to be “right there”, ready for that particular learning. You first need to become ready.
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Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

You live in a world of your own design… Time to reinvent yourself as someone you can love

Your own design is like a filter you look through. You can’t see the filter, just like you don’t see the window unless you touch it…
A filter is like a pair of glasses…
A filter is also like a pair of glasses… They can be dark tinted, they can be yellow, green… and the world occurs differently with each pair of glasses. You can’t see that it’s the glasses that make the world look the way the world looks to you… unless you can take it off…

You can see only the ripples. The indication that there is something there…

It’s the ripples that we don’t like… we don’t like the things we do, the things we think, the things we feel. We want to change the ripples. But the ripples are the surface of the iceberg… hidden, invisible…
But you can’t change something that you don’t know. You can’t change something that you don’t see.
We all want to reinvent ourselves, our world. Because what we have now is not working too well, not serving us too well. We can’t have what we want, and we suffer.

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Are you a nice person? Let’s take a look at that

Is it fear? Or is it unwillingness?

The human DNA isn’t a DNA for kindness, caring, or any of the “nice” stuff we are supposed to be.

In fact, it will take changing the DNA to go to the next level, to the level of human being, to be able to be kind, caring. For altruism…
Our “soul correction” is the path.

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Cancer: The unexpected results of positive thinking

Whoever thought that the well-meaning positive thinking will become a prison and a sentence to a ‘no joy life’ for most who become a “practitioner” of it, about 80% of humanity at this time.

Whether you know it or not, your powers of comprehension depend on your powers of distinguishing.

In the old est training, the trainers came to the room on the first day blasting: “for you Everything is the same as everything else … except not always” and they were as accurate as accurate they would be today: you can’t tell your ass from your elbow.

This is true for everybody, including yours truly… the difference is only in degrees. No one is exempt from it.

The capacity to see differences clearly is called astuteness. The capacity to tell apart similar things, to name them and claim them.

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Meaning – what others teach

Why am I Here? What is the meaning of life? What should I do with my life? These are questions that everyone asks themselves at one time or another, but the answers are often fleeting or misguided.
The core teaching of the Instant Coherence Workshop is creating a meaning that will help you to push through difficult times, and cause coherence when everything else would cause incoherence.

If I use long straight hair as an analogy to show coherence and incoherence… brushing or combing long straight hair is easy when there are no kinks in it. But when we look, life is full of kinks… and our brain, our mind, our feelings give us more kinks than we can overcome.

So we, our lives, our brains are like kinky hair… and life is not smooth sailing… it is like occasionally very rough seas.

Incoherence is the order of the day… but we blame it on life.

But what if we are bringing incoherence to life… Incoherence by our default organizing principle… what we say BEFORE WE SAY HELLO, before we start doing anything.

The Instant Coherence workshop first digs out what is our default organizing principle, and then looks to create a new organizing principle that is designed to create life, our life, coherent…

The moment there is an organizing principle like that, everything wants to align with it, including your emotions, your actions, your breathing, your heart beat… everything.

The tricky things, as I can see at this stage, are the following:

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Bits and pieces… The Myth of Because… You are the one you are waiting for

I live in a two-family home. I live upstairs. When I first moved here, I lived in the downstairs apartment. The house is old, and you can hear when someone walks upstairs.

The rent is very high: I guess we pay for the location: it is a very nice dead end street with a wonderful view of the sunset and Syracuse University.

I am noticing that every time I go from my office to the front of my apartment there is a wave of resentment, anger, from the downstairs apartment.

I sit down and feel it. It feels bad. The energy is the energy of blaming, pointing a finger, justifying.

Justifying? Yes.

She, the girl downstairs, is angry. Why? Who knows? She is angry and she needs to direct her anger.

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Hope: public enemy. Ego’s way to keep you waiting

You have hopes, aspirations, you have dreams. Some have been around and with you since you were a little kid.

You keep them close to your vest, because without hope what have you? If you lost your hopes, you would have nothing, you feel… so you keep them close to your vest, you are protective of them.


If you took hope out, instead of hoping, you would, probably, have a sudden clarity about the fact that what you are doing and not doing are not in concert, not in harmony with your aspirations.

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