Tag Archives: your starting point measurements

Distaste: the orienting feeling that you want to know

We all want to learn about ourselves… Knowledge is power. Understanding allows us to make sense of why things happen the way they do.

We are going to learn a new word that expresses a feeling that you have collapsed, you have confused with others… to end up with no clarity. There are about a thousand words in the English language like that.

Most of them are manipulated to misguide you.

One of the gems I’ve mined from the book ‘Feelings’ is isolating a particular feeling, the orienting feeling of distaste.
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How to measure vibration? vibrational frequency…

How to measure vibration? How to measure spiritual vibration? how to measure your vibrational frequency
The vibration number, often called ‘vibrational frequency,’ tells a lot about a person.

According to many teachers, you need to raise your vibration to the level of the things you want…

This video is about that:

Hi, I am Empath Sophie… I am a true empath… I’ll guide you here to understanding.
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What if you only have 7 capacities? Or 8… or even 9?

The currency of life are capacities and distinctions.
The less capacities you have the closer you are to the bottom.

What? The bottom of what?

The bottom of the power pyramid. Where personal power, personal authority is the currency.

Asking what those capacities are, those seven is a little dumb, but just think about it.

So what does everyone who went to school has to have as capacity? Reading, using language, i.e. writing and speaking, adding and subtracting numbers, recognizing faces, smells, sounds, telling the time, basic stuff.

You may be able to cook.
You may be able to clean.
And of course, you may be able drive…

But these are not really capacities: they use capacities, but they are complex activities. Not VERY complex, and yet, complex nevertheless.

If you look, parents who take their children to play soccer or sports strengthen the base capacities, but don’t add any new capacities. Especially if the parent chauffeurs the child to those activities.

On the other hand intelligent parents enroll their children in extracurricular activities, activities that activate capacities beyond the base capacities.

Spiritual capacities… DNA capacities. They are beyond those base 7-8-9.

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Want to enslave a man? rob the man of his common sense

If you want to enslave a man, the best and fastest way to go about it is to rob the man of his common sense, his guidance system. The feelings.

Train him to not trust his feelings.  To not even feel them. Or call them emotion names.

Train him that he can’t trust his feelings. Train him that all decisions should be made by men smarter than him. And by all means, train him that he can’t be trusted to made decisions about the education, the health about his children.

Train him by printing on plastic bags that they should not be put in the cradle… because a child may suffocate playing with it… Do this so the man will stop thinking for himself and start relying entirely on thing being given to him chewed and digested.
Give him the religion of positive thinking.
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The anatomy of earning your light: a case study

The anatomy of earning your light: a case study

The objective of this case study is to illustrate how I earned another 10 point rise in my vibration.

The language is stream of consciousness. I am starting out not knowing what or how to earn that rise. I am creating it in this article, so if you find the tenses confusing, just hang in there: consider that I am creating in the moment. Re-writing a stream of consciousness “monologue” to a proper English recounting what happened will miss the most important aspect of the process: the truth is unfolding as you speak. So, let’s go, shall we?

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Soul Correction #32: “Memories” or Merry-go-Round

Soul correction 32

This is the soul correction that matches the theory of living a life of a fairy tale… but always play the victim.

Here is how it goes (at least on the surface): you make a mistake. Example: you accept a ride from a stranger because it’s raining so hard that you can’t get a taxi to go home. You get into trouble, he drives you to a place other than where you wanted to go, rapes you, robs you, or kidnaps you…

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If you live like you have to feel different to do different, you are screwed. Guaranteed

What keeps you stuckI am starting see that what keeps you stuck is that you identify yourself with your thoughts or your feelings, or both.

Bad news: Thoughts and feelings are reactionary: Without a circumstance changing, neither of them will change, and life will continue to go downhill.

Your thoughts and feelings can only change when something else changes. Why? Because thoughts and feelings are like a thermometer. They are a reaction to something else… Thermomenter reacts to the temperature. Feelings and thoughts react to some other circumstance.

Unless somne circumstance changes, nothing will change.

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How To Activate Gratitude and Appreciation

Gratitude and Appreciation

Most people are not able to be grateful for no reason. Or have appreciation for no reason.

Just test yourself: is there a because after you say a thank you, or I appreciate you/this?

There is nothing wrong, under a vibrational frequency of 299 it’s impossible, at or above it is still hard.

Just like loving for no reason is impossible under 540 (love or above) and hard above 540… just ask me!

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Now that You don’t have to be perfect, You can be good… and alive

The best present I can give you is this

“Now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good,” says a character in John Steinbeck’s novel *East of Eden.* I suggest that you make this your rallying cry. In fact, why not begin right now, wherever you are? Say “Now that I don’t have to be perfect, I can be good.” Free yourself of the pressure to be the polished, ultimate embodiment of everything you’d ever hoped you would be. That will allow you to relax into being more content with the intriguing creation you have already become. You may be surprised by how much mojo this affords you.
Most procrastination is caused by the strong urge to ONLY do things that you can do perfectly, like watching TV, eating ice cream, sleeping…

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Help Make Me An Amazon Best Selling Author… Please?

If you ever wanted to get the Unconditional Love Activator but didn’t want to pay seven bucks, here is your chance to get it for 99 cents.

In my new book on Kindle, The Grand Experiment, there is a link to the Activator. All you have to pay is the 99 cents on Kindle.
If you don’t have a Kindle, you can view it on the Kindle PC edition…


Now, why would you want to get the Unconditional Love Activator?

Well, this is why:

The Unconditional Love Activation is Your First Step To Freedom, Power, Purpose, And Self-Expression

When You Feel You Are Loved, Appreciated -Unconditionally – Life Stops Being An Uphill Struggle

Before the activation, you do stuff so that people like you, accept you, so you can feel useful and ok.
After the activation, you know. Not with your conscious mind, instead you know it with your whole being.

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