What does a vibration of 200 feel like?

I love feedback, and I love the feedback of this person. I muscle-tested his vibration, and it’s 200… so it is not especially high, and yet…

With the tools I offer in the foundational program, this is the kinds of results that are typical:
Hi Sophie,

I miss hearing your voice and laugh on the calls…I hope that you are feeling well and that the attacks have stopped.

I wanted to tell you about a very interesting experiment that I conducted with the activator/HOE audio and the results. About a month ago, things were going very well. I was extremely busy work-wise which is great because it means I could support myself financially. I was performing a lot with several different groups – in addition to my teaching – and was receiving very positive comments from my fellow musicians. I met a remarkable woman and we have been seeing each other in a very open, loving and supportive relationship. All good, even things with my ex were smooth and easy.

I decided to stop playing the audio and drinking the water to see what would happen.

Read the rest of the article –>

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