The 9/11 of Japan, desire to receive for the self alone, A Spiritual Interpretation

End Of Times, The Earthquake, The Tsunami, The Nuclear Threat, Hydrogen Peroxide, desire to receive for the self alone, A Spiritual Interpretation

Why did the earthquake in Japan happen, what about the tsunami and the threat of radiation from the nuclear plant, desire to receive for the self alone? A spiritual interpretation

There are two major attitudes that “humanity” uses to look at an event. Both are desire to receive for the self alone.

1. personal. the question is asked? why me? how did I deserve this? or “father, why did you forsake me?”
2. global i.e. not personal. The tone is blame and “there is nothing I can do about it” “I am not at fault” and the like.

Both attitudes are faulty and driven by ego and a profound misunderstanding of how it all works.

1. On the personal level, though there is karma, there is cause and effect, the cause is so far removed (decades, often lifetimes) that the connection is hard if not impossible to see.
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