
General Guidance
After our talk today, I felt completely different.. it is great, just amazing. The heavyness in my legs is gone..I noticed it right away when i first walked after .

And im watching that im present with what im doing.. without efforting.. the efforting thing is huge for me .. so when I feel it , i give myself guidance, there is no hurry on the creative plane .. and then i say thank you , like I would if someone had said it for me. It feels great.
I use so much energy efforting in a normal day it’s incredible. Im very excited and happy about this, the things i now can do instead.
Matt, Canada
Health Consulting
Thanks for your help you really are the real deal in a world where there are a lot of not so skilled or honest people offering their help

New Zealand
67 step coaching
I’m so glad I’m your student, Sophie, and that we’re doing this program. I feel like your coaching and the 67 steps are real education for me, education that I never got. Expanding my vision, starting to see more, and more broadly… This is going to constitute a foundation for the rest of my life. So that when I jump into it, I’m prepared.
Dear Sophie:
The Emotional Shock Absorbers audio worked “AWESOME ” on me yesterday.
I couldn’t believe it!
I don’t have words to say how thankful I am. Thank you for your knowledge and thanks for sharing, thank you for your help!!!

My Secret Weapon, the Big Bundle
Hello, Sophie:

I wanted to let you know that I have had an improvement in my foot health when playing your ‘big bundle’ audio.

I have a hammertoe, and standing and walking were agony because the muscle under the toe was weak. I had to wear a combination of little rubber arches to help support the toe.

In several months of listening to the Big Bundle before bedtime, my feet have changed and improved. Two days ago I noticed I have not worn the arches, and I kept them off all day today without pain.

I was so worried my feet were in decline, and it means so much to walk more comfortably for the first time in years.

So deeply appreciative of your creation of this amazing, healing audio.

Thank you, Dorothy
Water Energizer, Effortless Abundance, and Big Bundle
Oh wow it’s true, the texture of the water changes a lot! It’s much easier to drink and it feels more nourishing, I can’t wait to see the results after a couple more days.

I just realized I’m playing a volleyball tournament this Saturday. Tournaments are exhausting cause we play all day long and no matter how much water I drink, my body always shows signs of dehydration during the last few matches making much much harder to play (my team mates feel the same way) and despite what they say, products like Gatorade do not help! I’m both excited and curious to find out how much this water is going to help not only in this tournament but with sports performance in general since I play 3 to 4 times a week.

As for the audios, I
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